Didžiųjų valstybių politika Vidurio Rytuose ir posovietinėje erdvėje

  • Dalyko kodas: TPV 4015
  • Dalyko grupė: C
  • Apimtis ECTS kreditais: 6
  • Pavadinimas anglų kalba: Policies of the Great Powers in the Middle East and the Post-Soviet Space
  • Dalykas atestuotas: 2021-03-05
  • Atestacija galioja iki: 2024-03-01
  • Dalyko aprašo rengėjas(-ai):

    Prof. dr Šarūnas Liekis

Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba

Kursas yra skirtas studentams, kurie nori pagilinti žinias apie didžiųjų valstybių politiką Vidurio Rytuose ir posovietinėje erdvėje. Kurso pradžioje studentai supažindinami su didžiųjų valstybių charakteristikomis, jų dabartinės politikos tendencijomis, taip pat – Vidurio Rytų ir Posovietinės erdvės ribomis, specifika, svarba tarptautinėje arenoje. Kurso metu studentai išmoks analizuoti didžiųjų valstybių politiką Vidurio Rytuose ir Posovietinėje erdvėje įvairiais laikotarpiais, apibūdindami politikos tendencijas, tikslus, priemones, įgyvendinimą, priežastis ir instrumentus.

Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba

The course is for the students who wish to improve their knowledge about Foreign Policy of the Great Powers in the Middle East and Post-Soviet countries of Central Asia. The course begins by explaying the Great Powers and describing general characteristics of Foreign Policy. Moreover, the boundaries of Middle East and its importance to international relations ar discussed in the course. The students will study about Great Powers‘ foreign policy towards specific Middle East and Post-Soviet countries understanding basic foreign policy trends, the goals, means, implementation, causes and consequences.

Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms

International Relations and Governance

Dalyko studijų rezultatai

1. To define and describe main features of Great powers, boundaries and content and Middle East and Post-Soviet regions.
2. Trace the historical development of Great powers‘ foreign policy and apply this historical context to contemporary issues in Great powers‘ foreign policy in Middle East and Post-Soviet regions.
3. To describe Great powers’ foreign policy goals, instruments, causes, trends during different periods of time in Middle East and Post-Soviet regions.
4. To explain the impact of the Great powers’ foreign policy on Middle East and Post-Soviet regions.
5. To synthesize information about Great powers‘ foreign policy goals, instruments, causes, contemporary issues, and trends to articulate the Great powers‘ future foreign policy scenarios in Middle East and Post-Soviet regions.

Dalyko turinys

1. The Middle East: Myth and Reality
2. Central Asian Focus on Post-Colonialism
3. Religion, Nation, and State in the Middle East: An Overview
4. Great Powers- Deception and Division. From First World War to 21 st Century.
5. Great Powers in International Conflicts and Peace Keeping
6. Modern Turkey and Ottoman Empire I
7. Modern Turkey and Ottoman Empire II
8. The State of Israel and Zionism
9. Israel and the Palestinians
10. The Arab-Israeli Relations
11. Israel and Palestinian Autonomy
12. The Iranian Challenge to the Great Powers
13. The United States in the Middle East
14. Russia and the EU in the Middle East
15. Towards Postcolonial Political Economy

Dalyko studijos valandomis

Paskaitos 30 val.
Seminarai 15 val.
Konsultacijos 15 val.
Savarankiškas darbas 100 val.
Iš viso 160 val.

Studijų rezultatų vertinimas

Seminar and paper - 30%
Midterm exam - 20%
Final exam - 50%


1. 2004 Barry Buzan, The United States and the Great Powers: World Politics in the Twenty-First Century
2. 2011 Sari Nusseibeh, What is a Palestinian State Worth?
3. 2003 Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited
4. 2009 Fred Halliday, The Middle East in International Politics: Power, Politics, and Ideology
5. 2006 Couze Venn, The Postcolonial Challenge
6. 1994 Michael Field, Inside the Arab World
7. 2003 Jeffrey A.Frieden, International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth
8. 1997 Gregory Gleason,The Central Asian States. Discovering Independendence