Tobulink anglų kalbą B1-B2

  • Dalyko kodas: ANK 0635
  • Dalyko grupė: A
  • Apimtis ECTS kreditais: 12
  • Pavadinimas anglų kalba: Activate your English B1-B2
  • Dalykas atestuotas: 2022-03-09
  • Atestacija galioja iki: 2025-03-09
  • Dalyko aprašo rengėjas(-ai):

    Lecturer D. Pundziuvienė, Institute of Foreign Languages

Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba

Skirta studentams, norintiems pasirengti akademinėms studijoms anglų kalba. Besimokantieji plėtoja įvairius anglų kalbos gebėjimus: žodyną, vartojamą vadovėliuose, paskaitose ar seminaruose, klausymą, konspektavimą, kritinį mąstymą, įvairių tekstų skaitymą, gebėjimą efektyviai ir pasitikinčiai komunikuoti akademinėje aplinkoje ir pristatyti pranešimus. Studentams taip pat glaustai pristatoma Lietuvos kultūra ir šiuolaikinio gyvenimo būdo ypatumai bei plėtojami tarpkultūrinės komunikacijos gebėjimai. Vyksta auditoriniai seminarai, atliekamos savarankiško darbo užduotys, mokoma/si kompiuterizuotoje SANAKO kalbų mokymo/si laboratorijoje ir virtualioje MOODLE erdvėje.

Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba

The course is designed to help students adapt to the challenge of academic study in English. It covers main vocabulary likely to be encountered in textbooks, lectures and seminars as well as skills such as listening, note-taking, critical thinking, effective and confident communication in academic environment, dealing with different texts and making presentations. Students are also shortly introduced to Lithuanian culture and contemporary lifestyle along with developing intercultural communication skills. The forms of studies include classroom seminars, self-study tasks, work in SANAKO lab and virtual MOODLE environment.

Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms

A2 level of English

Dalyko studijų rezultatai

1.demonstrate control of grammatical accuracy, linguistic forms and lexical structures at B2 level;
2.participate in academic discussions on the given topics, justify and defend their opinion, politely express criticism, give comments, ask questions, answer and respond appropriately;
3.employ argumentation and critical thinking in preparing and delivering a presentation;, analyse and critically evaluate academic content texts using different reading techniques;
5.understand people speaking English in all kinds of contexts, on radio and television;
6. plan and write a coherent essay, reason and use appropriate connecting words and phrases, compare the effects and attitudes, present findings, make conclusions and generalisations;
7. deal with major inter-cultural misunderstandings.

Dalyko turinys

1. Discussing studies and jobs. Present simple. Expressions of frequency. Indirect questions. Sentence stress. Intonation in questions.
2. Identifying new trends. Present continuous. Stress in everyday phrases.
3. Money and its effect on our lives. Countable and uncountable nouns. Expressions of quantity. Rhythm and stress.
4. Career paths, education and the road to success. Past tenses.
5. Marketing and branding. Comparatives and superlatives. Expressive intonation.
6. Communicating effectively. Verb patterns. Sentence stress.
7. Life experiences. Diversity at work. Present perfect and continuous.
8. Future predictions. Modals to express predictions. Reported speech.
9. Being effective. First conditional. Word stress.
10. The environment. The passive. Stress in passive forms.
11. Leaders and thinkers. Modal verbs. Intonation in questions.
12. Well-being. Second and third conditionals. Stress in suggestions.
13. Expressing an opinion, agreeing, opposing, proposing.
14. Critical reading.
15. Argumentation.
16. Presentation skills.
17. Strategies for reading.
18. Ways of summarizing.
19. Various registers.
20. Strategies for listening
21. Writing a paragraph.
22. Writing a brief report.
23. Argumentation.
24. Using linking words in text.
25. Various registers.
26. Similarities and differences between home and Lithuanian cultures. Academic exchange. Academic orientation. Culture shock. Cultural challenges of an English-speaking learning environment.

Dalyko studijos valandomis


This course can be delivered in one of these forms:

Study forms:

Hours in face-to-face studies

Hours in online studies

Hours in blended studies


60 hours.

60 hours

Face-to-face: 30 hours 


30 hours

Practical assignments (in Moodle)

15 hours

15 hours

15 hours

Contact work in total.

75 hours

75 hours

75 hours

Individual student work

85 hours

85 hours

85 hours


160 hours

160 hours

160 hours

Studijų rezultatų vertinimas

Midterm - 20 %, final test - 30%, class work - 50 %.


1. 2016 Dummett, P. et al. Keynote. Intermediate (B1-B2.1). Student’s Book.
2. 2016 Lansford, L. Keynote. Intermediate. Workbook.
3. 2012 Fitzgerald, D. and Harraway, R. New English File Culture Link.
4. 2012 Foley, M. and Hall, D. My Grammar Lab Intermediate.
5. Educational material in Moodle virtual environment
Supplementary materials
1. 2010 Williams, J. Academic Connections 4.
2. 2013 Evans, V. New Round-Up 5 (6) English Grammar Practice.
3. 2013 Paterson, K. Oxford Grammar for EAP. (B1-C1)