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Modern Hebrew, Level A1.1


This course is for students aiming to acquire basic minimal abilities in speaking, reading, writing and listening in Modern Hebrew and to get acquainted with the culture of the State of Israel. The programme is divided into the grammatical aspects of the course (the alphabet, phonetics, orthography), the niqqudot, present tense, combining nouns, verbs and adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, numerals and lexical part, i.e. introduction, acquaintances, family life, food and drinks, home life, climate and learning.

Aim of the course

To get acquainted with the system of the Modern Hebrew language and learn to communicate minimally (at level A1.1 ) in four areas of language activities.



Course content

1.Historical overview of the Hebrew language. 2.The activities of Elezier ben Yehuda and the revival of the Hebrew language in the nineteenth century. 3.Phonetics and graphics. 4.Writing down one’s name, surname, and city in Hebrew. 5.Pronouns in the Hebrew language. 6.Introducing oneself: telling the name, surname, nationality, profession. 7.The definite article ??). 8.“Sticky” words ??, ??, ???, ???. 9.Names of family members, professions. 10.Everyday situations. 11.Home environment. 12.Reading texts and creating stories about one’s family. 13.The answer to the question “What/Who?”(for people and objects) ???? ir ????. 14.Weather, climate, seasons. 15.Months. 16.The question “when?” (??????). 17.Infinitive and present tense of the verb. Hours. 18.Telling the date. 19.Vacation and excursion to the city. 20.Learning, studies, books. 21.The question “Why?” (??????). 22.Past tense of the verb. 23.Telling about the event in the past. 24.Food and beverages. 25.In the restaurant and at home. 26.Numbers up to 100. 27.Nouns, adjectives, and prepositions. 28.The question “What?” (???????).

Assesment Criteria

A student correctly reads and writes vowel and consonant symbols in Hebrew, is able to write print and cursive letters and simple Hebrew and international words. A student reads texts made of familiar words, answers simple questions about the text that has been read. A student begins a conversation, is able to respond to the statements of the interlocutor. A student understands short adapted audio and/or video recordings, simple instructions, phrases and commonly used words on familiar topics related to the basic needs. A student writes simple letters, emails, messages on familiar topics, is able to ask and answer questions. A student asks for information about food, is able to answer questions. A student counts up to 100. A student uses nouns in agreement with adjectives. A student correctly uses the appropriate preposition.