
  • Dalyko kodas: FIZ 5013
  • Apimtis ECTS kreditais: 6
  • Pavadinimas anglų kalba: Biophotonics
  • Dalyko aprašo rengėjas(-ai):

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valdas Girdauskas, Department of Physics (VMU)

Dalyko anotacija lietuvių kalba

Dalykas skirtas įvadui į biofotonikos sritį. Dalyke nagrinėjami šie biofotonikos aspektai: šviesos ir biologinių objektų sąveika, optinė spektroskopija ir jos taikymai, lazeriai biologijoje ir medicinoje, optiniai atvaizdai, optiniai biosensoriai, optiniai pincetai, naujausi pasiekimai biofotoninėse technologijose.

Dalyko anotacija užsienio kalba

This course serves as an introduction to the area of biophotonics. It will focus on following aspects of biophotonics: light - biological matter interactions, optical spectroscopies and their applications, lasers in biology and medicine, photobiology, optical imagery, optical biosensors, micro-array technology, laser tweezers and emerging biophotonic technologies.

Būtinas pasirengimas dalyko studijoms

Optics, General Biology, Cell Biology

Dalyko studijų rezultatai

Formulate the role of photonics in biology and biomedicine.
Derive the main concepts involved in the interaction of optical radiation with biological materials.
Argue the main applications of biophotonics in particular in the area of imaging and diagnostics.
Solve numerical problems which illustrate the principles of phenomena such as luminescence, absorption and scattering.
Assess / Evaluate bioimaging techniques such as confocal and superresolution microscopies.
Assess / Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of particular bio photonics technique to solve the problems at the interface of engineering and biology.

Dalyko turinys

Fundamentals of Light and Matter.
Fundamentals of Light-Matter Interactions.
Principles of Lasers, Current Laser Technology.
Bioimaging: Principles and Techniques.
Bioimaging: Applications.
Spectroscopy: Fluorescence.
Spectroscopy: Raman, CARS.
Ballistic Imaging: OCT.
Ballistic Imaging: Doppler OCT.
Fluorescence Microscopy.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy.
Two-Photon Exitation Fluorescence Microscopy.
Flow Cytometry.
Laser Tweezers and Laser Scissors.
Optical Biosensors.

Dalyko studijos valandomis

Lectures 30 h;
Seminars 10 h;
Laboratory work 20 h;
Individual students work 100 h;
Total: 160 h.

Studijų rezultatų vertinimas

Seminars – 13 %, laboratory work – 20 %, Mid – term exam – 17 %, Exam – 50%.


1. 2003 Prasad, P.N., Introduction to Biophotonics John Wiley & Sons
2. 2011 Lakowiz, J.R., Pinciples of Fluorecence Spectroscopy Springer
3. 2013 Murphy, D.B., Davidson, M.W., Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Wiley-Blackwell
Supplementary materials
1. 2006 Shen, X. van Wijk, R, Biophotonics: Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century Springer
2. 2002 Ligler, F.S. Rowe T. Optical Biosensors Elsevier