Lithuanian Migration and Diaspora Studies

Research overview

The purpose of the Lithuanian Migration and Diaspora Studies cluster is to investigate problems associated with the origins of the Lithuanian diaspora and with its cultural, political, and social activities as well as to carry on and to further systematic interdisciplinary research on transnational migration and diaspora processes.

Main directions of scholarly research:

  • Contemporary migration: its processes and features;
  • The state‘s migration policy;
  • International migration in the media;
  • Forms and expressions of national identity in Lithuanian exile culture;
  • Problems of diaspora emergence and émigré cultural, political, and social activities;
  • Developments and trends of Lithuanian literature and culture in exile;
  • Configurations of diaspora identity; diaspora traditions and their evolution;
  • Transformations of ethnic culture in emigration: problems of preserving ethnic self-expression and traditions against a background of intercultural contacts;
  • Legal aspects of Lithuanian migration.

The cluster joins scholars from various disciplines (historians, litterateurs, sociologists, lawyers, ethnologists), who analyze episodes of émigré history, culture, and literature and investigate the academic, intellectual, and cultural activities of émigré organizations and personalities; changes in their conceptions of ethnic and national identity; and issues of adjustment and preservation of Lithuanianness. Much attention is paid to Lithuanian migration policy research in the context of the comparative migration policy.

Cluster objectives are realized through research, preparation of scientific conferences, seminars, participation in research projects. The research results are published in periodicals, monographs, source publications and studios.

Main researchers

PhD candidates