Outgoing teaching visits

The main goal of Erasmus+ programme is to strengthen cooperation across Europe in the field of higher education and thus contribute to the improvement of human resources in all countries participating in the programme.

This programme provides a great opportunity for the academic staff to benefit from international cooperation opportunities, encourages development and dissemination of both existing and new study programmes as well as organisation of intensive study programmes and thematic networks.

Since 2015, Erasmus+ programme was expanded to include the members of the academic staff and provide them with an opportunity of teaching mobility not only in the EU countries, but also the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Serbia (EU/EEA countries), but also other countries around the world (Non-EU/EEA countries).

Information for the outgoing teaching mobility

Visits in EU/EEA countriesVisits in Non-EU/EEA countries

EU/EEA countries, where Erasmus+ teaching visits could be implemented:

EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
EEA countries: Iceland, Lichtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey.
Other countries: Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Contest for Erasmus+ TEACHING VISITS in EU/EEA Countries for 2024-2025 Spring Semester is Open!

Eligibility requirements for Erasmus+ teaching mobility:

All VMU teachers: VMU or foreign HEI academic representatives.

Citizens of third parties who want to apply for teaching visits must have a valid employment contract with VMU and a permit for temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.

VMU employees can participate in the teaching mobility in:

  • Any Erasmus+ programme country except Lithuania and their Country of Residence.
  • Those HEI that VMU  has signed Erasmus+ inter-institutional cooperation agreements with.
Selection process for Erasmus+ teaching mobility
Decentralised Centralised
When the applications are to be submitted? When the call for the selection has been announced All year long
How to submit the application? Submit an application on the Mobility Online system (instructions) The Mobility Agreement for Teaching must be filled and submitted to the coordinator at the ICD
What is the deadline to submit an application? As announced in the call for applications Until the last day of every month
When are the results announced? The results are announced when the selection procedure is over By the 10th day of the next month
Documents for application Mobility Agreement (Staff Mobility for Teaching) Mobility Agreement (Staff Mobility for Teaching)
Who carries out the selection process? Selection commissions formed by heads of academic subdivision A committee formed by the Rector
Funding is available for the following types of visits:
  • For teaching at HEI of the Transform4Europe alliance;
  • For teaching and participation in the thesis defense committees of students of partner institutions;
  • For teaching in blended intensive programs (BIP) / intensive course teaching;
  • For teaching and other activities not specified here, which would essentially contribute to the implementation of the common strategic goals of VMU's identity.
What are the application eligibility requirements?
  • The mobility must last at least 2 days and no longer than 4 days (excluding trip);
  • VMU's partner HEI was selected (announced in the call);
  • The duration of the teaching activity must not be shorter than 8 academic hours;
  • The objectives of the visit, the added value, the topics of the lectures/seminars, and the expected results are presented;
  • The Teaching Mobility Agreement is signed (approved) by the teacher who submits the application and his head of the subdivision.
  • The mobility must last at least 2 days (excluding the traveling days) and no longer than 14 days (including the trip);
  • VMU's partner HEI was selected;
  • The duration of the teaching activity must not be shorter than 8 academic hours;
  • The objectives of the visit, the added value, the topics of the lectures/seminars, and the expected results are presented;
  • The Teaching Mobility Agreement is signed (approved) by the teacher who submits the application, his head of the subdivision and the receiving institution's representative.
Additional points are awarded for:
  • Candidates who teach at VMU in English or other foreign language;
  • Candidates who have already arranged a teaching visit at the time of selection, i.e. who will submit a fully agreed / signed Teaching Mobility Agreement;
  • Visits during which the planned duration of teaching is greater than the minimum Erasmus+ requirements, i.e. more than 8 hours;
  • Candidates participating in Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching for the first time;
  • For candidates who have chosen to teach at the HEI of the Transform4Europe alliance;
  • For candidates with fewer opportunities.
  • Candidates who teach at VMU in English or other foreign language;
  • Visits during which the planned duration of teaching is greater than the minimum Erasmus+ requirements, i.e. more than 8 hours;
  • For candidates with fewer opportunities.

1. The following must be agreed with the receiving Institution of Higher Education:

The period for teaching indicated in the Mobility Agreement:

  • Planned period of the physical mobility - indicate the period of teaching activity excluding the travel days.
  • If it is not possible to reach the host institution within a one day, the trip can take two days (not more than two days before and not more than two days after the visit), but only one day is compensated for traveling to the host institution and one day to return to Lithuania. A longer period of posting must be specified in the request for the posting and must be substantiated by the travel tickets.

2. When you agree on the mobility date and receive the Mobility Agreement:

  • Send the Mobility Agreement to a coordinator at the International Cooperation Department;
  • Fill the request for posting addressed to Rector (instructions will be sent by coordinator at ICD);
  • Upon receiving information that the request has been approved, the ICD coordinator will prepare a financial agreement which must be signed before the beginning of the visit.

3. If you do not have a valid insurance policy:

  • The participant must take out insurance for the mobility period. Insurance coverage must include, at a minimum, health insurance, liability insurance, and accident insurance.

4. Just before departing for your Erasmus+ mobility, please visit the International Cooperation Department to take the info package designed to introduce VMU in the partner institution of higher education.

Teachers who participate in Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching, receive grant for two types of costs:

1. Individual support

Programme Countries Per diem
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden.

Region 14 of third countries that are not Associated Program States  - Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

180.00 Eur
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

Region 13 of third countries that are not Associated Program States - Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State

160.00 Eur
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey. 140.00 Eur

2. Travel costs
Travel distance* is calculated between the participant's place of origin and the venue of activity using the distance calculator available at the website of the European Commission.

Funding of travel costs

Travel distance Amount allocated Ecological trip - the allocated amount
From 10 to 99 km: 23,00 Eur -
From 100 to 499 km: 180.00 Eur 210,00 Eur
From 500 to 1999 km: 275.00 Eur 320,00 Eur
From 2000 to 2999 km: 360.00 Eur 410,00 Eur
From 3000 to 3999 km: 530.00 Eur 610,00 Eur
From 4000 to 7999 km: 820.00 Eur -
8000 km or more: 1,500.00 Eur -

*Please note. "Travel distance" refers to a distance between the place of origin to the venue of the activity, while the "Amount allocated" includes the amount for the trip to the venue of activity and return. Those working in the Vilnius ŠA branch should indicate that the place of origin is Vilnius.

New! Ecological travel means travel to and from the host institution using low-emission vehicles such as buses, trains, or car travel with fellow passengers also participating in mobility activities. If you choose such a trip, inform the International Cooperation Department before filling out the request for the teaching visit and after then visit submit documents supporting this type of trip: bus/train tickets, fuel receipt and a copy of the car documents. A Declaration of Honesty is signed together with the financial agreement.

The advance amounting to 70 per cent of the grant shall be paid within 30 days after signing the financial agreement, before the beginning of the mobility, provided the employee submits the request for posting (and Mobility Agreement) no later than 30 days before the visit planned.
After the mobility, the employee must deliver the following documents (see "After the mobility"). No later than within 45 days after the final submission of all the documents required, the employee shall receive the remaining amount of 30 per cent.

1.4. After the mobility
Within five work days after the visit, the following must be delivered to the International Cooperation Department:
Certificate of Attendance signed by an authorized representative of the foreign Institution of Higher Education that should feature:
• duration of the visit (excluding travel days);
• Number of teaching hours
• Confirmation that this visit has been carried out under Erasmus+ programme.
Report of the Staff Mobility for Teaching (information about the report will be emailed to you);
• Travel documents (plane / bus / train tickets, etc.);
Certificate of Posting (Komandiruotės pažymėjimas) must be filled, signed and delivered to the Department of Finance.

Only when all documents are submitted in full for the teaching mobility (to VMU, ICD and DF), the participant shall receive the remaining 30 per cent of the grant.

VDU introduction video on Youtube in English

VDU information video on Youtube in English

VDU history video on Youtube in English

VDU Power Point presentation in English

Where can I found more information about Erasmus+ programme?
More information available:
• Website of Education Exchanges Support Fund – https://erasmus-plius.lt/programa/programos-vadovas arba https://erasmus-plius.lt
• Website of the European Commission https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/programme-guide/introduction_lt Teaching opportunities for staff https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/staff-teaching_lt
If I want to apply for Erasmus+ mobility, should the Inter-Institutional Cooperation Agreement be signed with the receiving organisation?
Academic staff can only go for teaching mobility only to those foreign institutions with which their academic unit has signed Erasmus+ cooperation agreement.
Where to find the OID (Organisation ID) codes to identify an organisation in order to fill the mobility agreement?
Detailed information about OID https://erasmus-plius.lt/programa/kaip-gauti-oid
How are the applicants informed about the results of the call?
Results of the call will be personally emailed to the participants of the call.
What funding can be expected and what costs of the mobility shall be covered by Erasmus+ programme?
The grant consists of two parts:
- lump sum for travel costs in accordance with the distance to the foreign country (the distance is calculated by the EU-designed distance calculator);
- individual support for subsistence, a flat rate for each day in the foreign country.
The duration of mobility eligible for funding when going to Erasmus+ Programme Countries is from 2 days (excluding the travel days) up to 6 days (including the travel days).
The programme shall cover participant’s individual and travel costs. Other costs incurred during the mobility or related to the organisation thereof (participation fee, transportation within the country, etc.) shall not be reimbursed and must be covered by the participant himself / herself. The grant is a flat rate and does not depend on the actual costs incurred during the mobility.
When is the grant agreement signed?
The grant agreement is prepared and signed when the participant submits a trilateral mobility agreement and request for posting (Komandiruotės prašymas).
Can mobility documents be sent by email?
According to the procedure established by VMU ICD, the mobility agreement can be scanned and sent by email.
I have booked a hotel room for my Erasmus+ mobility, and now the hotel refuses to refund money, and offers a voucher that will be eligible for a year (to stay in the same hotel). Yet I am not sure that when the situation changes, I will go to the same place, so I want to get my money back. Can Erasmus+ programme reimburse the actual costs incurred in such a case?
Yes, the costs can be reimbursed, if the participant refuses the voucher and submits his / her institution a written proof that the hotel refuses to reimburse the money. It is noteworthy that only actual costs incurred that do not exceed the mobility grant established in the financial agreement with the participant can be reimbursed from the fund of mobility organisation. Each case shall be analysed individually by the sending institution.

Partner countries, where Erasmus+ Teaching visits could be implemented: Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries, Southern Mediterranean countries, Asian countries, Central Asian countries, Latin American countries, African, Caribbean, Pacific and other countries.

Competition for Erasmus+ teaching visits in non-EU/EEA countries during 2024/2025 autumn semester!

Instructions for application can be found here!

Procedure for organizing Erasmus+ staff teaching and training mobility

Participating partner countries
Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries, Southern Mediterranean countries, Asian countries, Central Asian countries, Latin American countries, African, Caribbean, Pacific and other countries.

Candidates eligible to apply for Erasmus+ teaching visits

All members of VMU academic staff. Citizens of third parties who want to apply for teaching visits must have a valid employment contract with VMU and a permit for temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania.

VMU employees can go for their teaching mobility to:

  • Any Erasmus+ Partner country, except their country of residence.
  • To those foreign institutions that are announced in the call for applications.

Selection process for Erasmus+ teaching mobility

When the applications are to be submitted?
When the call for the selection has been announced.

How to submit the application?
Instructions for application can be found here.

What is the deadline to submit an application?
As established in the call for applications.

When are the results announced?
The results are announced when the selection procedure is over.

Who carries out the selection process?
Centralized selection committee, formed by the Rector's order.

What are the requirements for outgoing teaching mobility?
The mobility must last at least 5 days (excluding the traveling days) and no longer than 7 days (including the trip). The duration of teaching cannot be shorter than 8 hours.

Application eligibility criteria for teaching visits:

  • Selected institution is a VMU partner institution (announced in the call for proposals);
  • not less than 8 teaching hours;
  • the objectives of the visit, the added value, the topics of the lectures/seminars, and the expected outcomes explained in the application;
  • Application signed/approved by the applicant and the head of his/her unit.

The content of the application shall be evaluated on a 9-point scale according to the criterion “Added value for the participant, the unit and the University”. Added value for the participant, the unit and the University will be evaluated separately, where 1 is weakly justified, 2 is incompletely justified, 3 is an excellent description of the added value.

Additional points shall be awarded for:

  • candidates who teach at VMU in English or another foreign language (1 point);
  • visits where the planned teaching time exceeds the minimum Erasmus+ requirements, i.e., more than 8 hours (1 point);
  • candidates participating for the first time in the Erasmus+ teaching visits programme (third countries not associated to the Programme) (1 point);
  • candidates with fewer opportunities (1 point).

1. The following must be agreed with the receiving Institution of Higher Education:

The period for teaching indicated in the Mobility Agreement:

  • Planned period of the physical mobility (at least five days);
  • Duration (days) – excluding travel days (at least 5 days);

2. When the teaching mobility is agreed with the receiving institution:

  • Please send to the ICD coordinator Mobility Agreement for Staff Mobility for Teaching signed by all parties. Then the coordinator will send you information necessary to complete the Request for Posting (Komandiruotės paraiška);
  • Fill the Request for Posting (Instructions how to fill the request for the non-EU countries);
  • When the Rector's order for posting is issued, ICD coordinator shall prepare a financial agreement which must be signed before the beginning of the visit.

3. Before the visit takes place, you should get an insurance policy and check information whether it is obligatory to get vaccinated before entering a specific country (information available at http://keliauk.urm.lt/).

4. Just before departing for your Erasmus+ mobility, please visit the International Cooperation Department to sign the financial agreement and take the info package for introducing the university in the partner institution of higher education.

Teachers that participate in Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching, receive grant for two types of costs:

1. Individual support

Countries Per diem
Partner Countries 180,00 Eur

2. Travel costs

Travel distance* is calculated between the participant's place of origin and venue of activity using the distance calculator available at the website of the European Commission.

Funding of travel costs

Travel distance Amount allocated
From 100 to 499 km: 180,00 Eur
From 500 to 1999 km: 275,00 Eur
From 2000 to 2999 km: 360,00 Eur
From 3000 to 3999 km: 530,00 Eur
From 4000 to 7999 km: 820,00 Eur
8000 km or more: 1.500,00 Eur

Please note. "Travel distance" refers to a distance between the place of origin (Kaunas, Vilnius) to the venue of the activity, while the "Amount allocated" includes the amount for the trip to the venue of activity and return.

The advance amounting to 70 per cent of the grant shall be paid before the beginning of the mobility, provided the employee submits the request for posting and Mobility Agreement no later than 30 days before the visit planned.
After the mobility, the employee must deliver the following documents (see "After the mobility"). No later than within 45 days after the final submission of all the documents required, the employee shall receive the remaining amount of 30 per cent.

Persons with special needs can receive additional grant to reimburse 100% of actual eligible costs incurred due to the special needs. Applications regarding the provision of additional support shall be evaluated and the decision shall be made by the EESF.
Employees that have been chosen for mobility will have to fill an application for the additional support immediately after the results of the selection process are announced. The applications can be submitted until the deadline indicated on the website of the Education Exchanges Support Foundation. The application of the employee shall be sent by the ICD to the Education Exchanges Support Foundation.

Within five working days after the visit, the employee must deliver the following to the International Cooperation Department:

1. Certificate of Attendance signed by an authorized representative of the foreign Institution of Higher Education that should feature:

  • duration of the visit (excluding travel days);
  • additional travel days;
  • Number of teaching hours;
  • Confirmation that this visit has been carried out under Erasmus+ programme.

2. Online survey on the Staff Mobility for Teaching (a questionnaire shall be sent to an employee automatically a day after the visit from Beneficiary Module system);
3. Travel documents (plane / bus / train tickets);
4. Certificate of Posting (Komandiruotės pažymėjimas) must be filled, signed and delivered to the Department of Finance.

Only when all documents are submitted in full for the teaching mobility (to VMU ICD and FD), the participant shall receive the remaining 30 per cent of the grant.

What is the main goal of Erasmus+ programme?
The main goal of Erasmus+ programme is to strengthen international cooperation in the field of higher education and thus contribute to the improvement of human resources in all countries participating in the programme. This programme provides a great opportunity for the academic staff to benefit from international cooperation opportunities, encourages development and dissemination of both existing and new study programmes as well as organisation of intensive study programmes and thematic networks.

If I want to apply for Erasmus+ mobility, should the Inter-Institutional Cooperation Agreement be signed with the receiving institution?
Academic staff can only go for teaching mobility only to those foreign institutions with which VMU has signed Erasmus+ cooperation agreement.

Where to find the OID (Organisation ID) codes to identify an organisation in order to fill the mobility agreement?
You can find the OID (Organisation ID) codes at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc/index/organisations/search-for-an-organisation
Detailed information about OID https://erasmus-plius.lt/programa/kaip-gauti-oid

How are the applicants informed about the results of the call?
Results of the call will be personally emailed to the participants of the call.

More information available at the International Cooperation Department:

  • Erasmus+ mobility for teaching in EU/EEA countries
  • Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Arts Faculty of Catholic Theology, Music Academy, Education Academy
  • Gabrielė Damijonienė, Ms.
  • Phone
  • E-mail