Research on Multiculturalism and Language Change in the Context of Globalization
Research overview
The scholarly research in the cluster spreads over the following research areas: analysis of characteristic features of languages and their use, investigation of changes in language systems under the influence of globalization which, at the same time, reveal the phenomenon of variability-stability in the langue/parole dichotomy. In their research, scholars focus on the development of specific features of language in a multilingual society, describe typical developments of the Lithuanian language and compare/ contrast them with other languages.
One of the aims of cluster research is to evaluate the impact of globalization, multiculturalism, immigration and emigration on the change and development of languages as well as to investigate issues of language policy; to identify language-related issues in Lithuania brought about by multiculturalism and multilingualism and discuss them in the context of European attitudes, as well as to carry out psycholinguistic experiments and sociolinguistic interviews devoted to the analysis of spoken language in a multicultural society.
Main researchers
- Leader of the group prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Council Chair Prof. Jūratė Ruzaitė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Council member Prof. Violeta Kalėdaitė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Prof. Regina Rinkauskienė (VMU Education Academy)
- Assoc. Prof. Vilma Makauskienė
- Assoc. Prof. Ingrida Balčiūnienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Assoc. Prof. Laura Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Assoc. Prof. Laimutė Bučienė (VMU Education Academy)
- Assoc. Prof. Jurga Trimonytė-Bikelienė (VMU Education Academy)
- Prof. Gabrielle Hogan-Brun (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Meilutė Ramonienė (Vilnius University)
- Dr. Agnė Blažienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Dr. Eglė Krivickaitė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Dr. Viktorija Kavaliauskaitė-Vilkinienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
- Ieva Prameneckienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)
PhD Candidates
- Skirmantė Gribauskienė (VMU Faculty of Humanities)