Research Overview

Innovations that are born at the confluence of disciplines


The main strength of research at VMU is our ability to respond to an increasingly globalised and competitive landscape prompting the dynamic formation of new research priorities and facilitating ongoing improvements in research performance  at both national and international level.

We have been engaged as a partner and coordinator in various Horizon 2020, Jean Monnet, COST, Erasmus+ and NordPlus programmes, as well as research projects within the Global Grant and Smart Specialisation programmes conducted by the Research Council of Lithuania and the European Structural Fund.

Nationally, our research has received the top evaluation scores among higher education institutions in Lithuania. We are a leading university in the fields of Humanities, Arts, Social and Biomedical Sciences.

VMU is currently conducting about 100 projects in the fields of biotechnology, biophysics, technology law, education, sociology, philosophy, computational linguistics, language acquisition and bilingualism, creative industries, and others.

Research and Arts Priorities

Scientific research at VMU is carried out in five science areas (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technological Sciences and Agricultural Sciences) and Arts regarding the prioritized research and arts fields approved by the Senate.

Competence of the Researchers

University researchers and teachers are highly-qualified professionals whose competence has been recognised both nationally and internationally. This is evidenced by the VMU researchers’ activities as experts and commission members in various competitions, honorary titles awarded by foreign universities, and memberships in the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Research Council of Lithuania and international organizations such as the European University Association. All of these activities have facilitated the formation of expert groups and development of expert services in different fields of science. VMU scientists’ achievements have also been rewarded with various prizes and scholarships.

Doctoral Studies

VMU has a distinct advantage regarding its young and promising doctoral students. Ph.D. studies at VMU open up unique possibilities for academic research and studies, preparing future generations of highly qualified specialists.

The strength of VMU is our ability to engage young researchers in various scientific activities, creating favourable conditions for them not only to advance their theoretical and methodological knowledge in a particular field of science, but also to conduct scientific research of global significance, participate in international projects and traineeships, give lectures and conduct seminars in Lithuania and abroad.

Fine Arts

The development of Fine Arts activities has been given a sharper focus since the Music Academy joined the university, and the VMU Theatre, Art Centre, and Gallery 101 were established. These opened new opportunities to expand and develop artistic and creative activities at the university.


At present, 34 research journals are published at VMU. 13 research journals are included in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science and (or) Scopus databases. 8 journals are published together with other Lithuanian and foreign institutions.


Study, Research and Arts Centres

Vytautas Magnus University has around 30 study, research and arts centres:

Laboratories and Computer Classes

The university also has over 50 laboratories and computer classes, such as the audiovisual technology laboratory, media lab, sound studio, laboratories for biotechnology, environmental science, 3D modelling, neuroscience, intelligent systems, microsynthesis, HPLC and UPLC, capillary electrophoresis, microbiology, biochromatography, miniaturised bioreaction, etc.

Research and Innovation Department

  • Universiteto g. 8A, Room 203, 53341 Akademija, Kauno r.
  • Phone +370 37 327 946, +370 37 209 815
  • E-mail