Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA; IISMA-E) programmes

IISMA programme

Starting in 2021, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has entered into very important cooperation with Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) programme. VMU is the only University in Lithuania that has entered this unique cooperation framework. IISMA is a scholarship scheme by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia to fund Indonesian students for a one-semester-mobility program at top universities and reputable industries overseas. IISMA aims to expose Indonesian students to international academic and cultural diversity by offering two schemes for undergraduate and vocational students.

Since 2021, VMU has hosted 62 students, and for 2024, we will accept 42 new applicants, for a total of 104 students, over the whole program duration. VMU is very glad to host numerous IISMA programme applicants every year. Awardees study selected courses, get involved in various volunteering events, visit general education schools, and engage in various social activities. They are the best ambassadors from Indonesia to promote its culture and bring both cultures together.

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Starting in 2024, VMU has entered cooperation with the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award Professional Program (Entrepreneur) (IISMA-E), which is the Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students for entrepreneurship programs at top Universities overseas. Undergraduate and vocational students could spend six to seven weeks at the overseas university partner to study, experience the host country’s culture and undertake entrepreneurial assignments to hone their skills.

This 2024-2025 academic year, VMU will host 30 Indonesian students within this framework.

Photo Gallery IISMA 2021;2022:

Photo Gallery IISMA 2023 and 2024: