Research on Applied Ethics

Research overview

The main goals of the cluster is twofold. Cluster aims to develop the researches in the applied ethics area that would have a valuable impact to social sciences and practical applicability to various practical and scientific spheres; at the same time enabling the participating scholars to publish papers in peer-reviewed international journals and to apply for joint research projects in the field of applied ethics on the national and international level.

The topicality that identifies and unites the cluster (applied ethics in social, natural and human sciences for smart, sustainable and inclusive social growth) derives from the shared understanding of the scholars participating in the cluster, that ethical issues are of utmost importance in the social, natural and human sciences, especially in the context of ongoing technological transformations and related challenges and opportunities.

The members of the cluster come from various disciplines and have a strong interest in the challenges and opportunities of the applied ethics; in the solutions of the related topicalities; and in the impact to the development of socially sustainable society and in the deepening of individual knowledge of the research group members. Therefore the activities of the cluster and considered areas of research are very broad, combining philosophy (applied ethics), medicine (medical ethics/bioethics), law (legal ethics), business (business ethics), theology (theological ethics), technical sciences (ethics of technology), education (educational ethics), and etc.

In particular, the priority research areas of the cluster members are:

  • Bioethics & Disability
  • Caring & Nursing
  • Conflict Management
  • Ethics of Ageing
  • Human Rights & New Technologies (data protection, privacy issues, etc.)
  • Legal Ethics
  • Moral Expertise
  • Robot Ethics

Main researchers

PhD candidates