Managerial Transformations for Socially Cohesive Society and Development of a Competitive State

Research overview

The cluster aims to develop the research of managerial transformations in organizations, significant for development of socially cohesive society that would have practical, applied value for a different size and nature organizations in Lithuania.

Main research areas cover: innovations, entrepreneurship, labour relations, organizational attractiveness, socially cohesive organization, business environment and infrastructure developing, organizational competitiveness. These are formulated according to the most important Lithuanian and European Scientific Research and Experimental Development (R & D) priorities and Lithuanian Innovation Strategy 2010-2020.

The scholars of the cluster present the results of their researches in scientific publications, conferences, seminars and other means of information dissemination.) Master’s and PhD students  are involved  into the cluster’s activities while suggesting them to prepare their master’s theses or doctoral dissertations on topics of the cluster.

Main researchers

PhD candidates