Nations, States and Memories in the Former Lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia

Research overview

Comparative analysis of political, cultural, historical, social and economic processes in East-Central Europe is the main focus of this group of scholars. Numerous congresses, conferences, seminars, international schools, public lectures and discussions are being organized in different countries of the region. Geographically, the most attention is being paid to the Baltic States, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. In a context, Balkan, Scandinavian and West European states are being touched.

Research topics of the cluster are:

  • Relations among Belarusians ,Poles, Lithuanians and Ukrainians in the emigration
  • Jews in East-Central Europe
  • National relations in Vilnius region
  • Comparative research on national movements
  • Formation of nations in East-Central Europe through the 20th century
  • Comparative research on political institutions in East-Central Europe in the 20th century
  • Borderland communication
  • Noblemen’s identity at the junction of the 19th and the 20th centuries
  • Collective memory (literature, history)

The cluster publishes several periodical scientific journals: „Political sphere“ (in Russian and Belarusian) and „Belarusian Political Science Review“. There was published in 2013 an anthology of texts in Belarusian language „Літоўская палітычная думка. Канец ХІХ – пачатак ХХ стагоддзя“.

Main researchers

PhD Candidates