Incoming students

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) warmly welcomes all the exchange students to join the community of Vytautas Magnus University through the Erasmus+ exchange programme (from both the EU/EEA and the Non-EU/EEA countries).

EU/EEA countriesNon-EU/EEA countries

Application Procedure

Contact your university coordinator and find out whether your department or university has an exchange agreement with Vytautas Magnus University.

Exchange students are requested to fill out VMU online Application form (please find information below).

Before you start to fill out VMU online Application form be sure to take these steps:

Step 2.1 – Nomination 
Make sure that your exchange coordinator of your university has nominated you. The nomination has to be completed at the online nomination system. Please ask your coordinator to follow instructions sent via email by VMU exchange coordinator or to contact usvia email

Nomination deadline:

    • May 11 – for the 1st semester or full academic year
    • November 11 – for the 2nd semester or calendar year

Step 2.2 – Application Documents
Make sure that you have these documents (you will need to scan them):

    • Copy of Your Passport or ID Card (validity has to exceed 6 months of exchange period).
    • Transcript of Records – the document with the list of courses taken, the exams passed and the credits gained at your university. Get this official document (in English language and signed) from your university.
    • Proof of English Language Proficiency. Get this official document (in English language and signed) stating your English language proficiency from your university or provide other test results. Your university coordinators may use this document form as the proof. Note: your English language proficiency should be not lower than B2 level according to the European language levels.
    • Online Learning Agreement – the document with the selected courses at Vytautas Magnus University. First, please check the available courses, timetable and other relevant information HERE. Second, please select the courses in VMU online application form (see Step 2.3). Note: recommended amount of the credits: 24 – 36 ECTS.
    • Research plan (only for PhD students). Written in free form, document should provide all detailed information about student’s research topic, scientific interests and goals foreseen to be achieved during the mobility period.

Step 2.3 – Online Application form
Please register to the application platform via the link that was sent to you via email titled "Confirmation of nomination" (sent from after your University has nominated you.
To complete your application, please follow the instructions provided here.

Application deadline:

    • May 17 – for the 1st semester or full academic year
    • November 17 – for the 2nd semester or calendar year

Your application form will be processed in approximately two weeks after application deadline by VMU exchange coordinator who will send the confirmation or will ask you to send additional documents by e-mail. The official Acceptance Letter will be attached to the application form, thus do not forget your login credentials of the application platform.

Step 3.1 – Accommodation

The university accommodation is being organized by VMU Student Affairs Department. The number of available places of VMU dormitory accommodation is limited and offered on a first come - first serve basis for the students who apply with the online accommodation form. The form is open only in June (for the autumn semester students) and in December (for the spring semester students). Also the prospective students are provided with the instructions sent by the e-mail. Please find the following information HERE.

Step 3.2 – Health Insurance

Health Insurance is one of the obligatory requirements for all international students at Vytautas Magnus University which should be taken care of before the students’ arrival. Please find the following information HERE.

Students from EU countries usually bring the European Health Insurance Card issued by the competent social security institution in their country of origin. With this card, students have the right to apply to institutions which have contracts with territorial health insurance funds (which may be private institutions) and to receive necessary medical care paid from the budget of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

Also, there is the S1 document, which covers not only the necessary assistance. When a student, who is coming from EU countries, receives a temporary residence certificate, he or she has the full right to apply to his or her competent institution for an S1 document. By registering this document with the territorial health insurance fund, an EU student would acquire the right to register with a family doctor in Lithuania and receive all (not only necessary medical care) health care under the same conditions as the persons paying compulsory health insurance contributions in Lithuania. The S1 form must be submitted by the students to the territorial health insurance fund (it can also be sent by e-mail). In addition, if a person has an S1 but does not have a temporary resident's certificate (and at the same time the personal identification code issued in Lithuania), then the health insurance funds provide him / her with a special certificate of the Insured with compulsory health insurance (it contains a unique identification code of the Insured instead of the personal identification code, according to which the medical institutions identify the person in Lithuanian information system). Please note, that a documentary photo of a person is required to obtain such a certificate.

Please find information here, how to get a temporary residence certificate.

Step 3.3 – Visa Application

Non-European Union, non-EEA or non-EFTA country citizens should apply for multiple entry National visas (D). Please check the visa guide for more information HERE.

Step 3.4 – Arrival Arrangement and Mentor Support

Please check information in the Acceptance Letter  for your arrival arrangement. We recommend you not to miss any classes at the beginning of the semester and to participate in the Orientation Days where the essential academic information and lots of entertainment activities are offered.

The first days of the semester are quite crowded at the University, so the International Cooperation Department plans the registration date and time for each student in order to avoid long waiting lines.

In order to make the adaptation process of incoming students at the University easier, the Mentors' Programme has been established. Please find more about it HERE.

Once you know your arrival date, time and place, please fill in the Arrival Arrangement and Mentor Support Form (sent by the International Cooperation Department before arrival). Your mentor will contact you to arrange the meeting with you in Kaunas and your exchange coordinator at VMU will inform you about your registration date and time at the International Cooperation Department.

Step 3.5 – Arrival

Vytautas Magnus University provides information how to reach VMU dormitories. Please find directions HERE.

  • Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy and Faculty of Law, Agriculture Academy
  • Monika Lisauskaitė
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Arts, Education Academy and Music Academy
  • Gabrielė Damijonienė
  • Phone
  • E-mail

Non-EU/EEA countries, from which Erasmus+ students can be invited: Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries, Russian Federation, Southern Mediterranean countries, Asian countries, Central Asian countries, Latin American countries, African, Caribbean, Pacific and other countries.

All Higher Education Institutions that has signed Erasmus+ cooperation agreements with Vytautas Magnus University must nominate their students who are seeking for admission to study at Vytautas Magnus University under Erasmus+ programme. The nomination must be completed on the online VMU Nomination System.

Once the exchange coordinator at Vytautas Magnus University receives the nomination the Confirmation Email and further information about application procedure will be sent directly to the indicated email address of the nominated student.

Nomination deadline:

May 11 For 1st semester or full academic year studies
November 11 For 2nd semester or calendar year studies

Make sure that you have below listed documents. You will need to scan and attach them to VMU online application form:

  • Copy of your passport (validity has to exceed 6 months of the exchange period).
  • Transcript of records – the document with the list of courses taken, the exams passed and the credits gained at your university. Get this official document (in English language and signed) from your university.
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency. Get this official document (in English language and signed) stating your English language proficiency from your university or provide other test results. Note: your English language proficiency should be not lower than B2 level according to the European language levels.
  • Learning Agreementthe document with the selected courses at Vytautas Magnus University. Please complete the Learning agreement, sign it and ask your home university's representative to sign it.
    • Please check the available courses, timetable and other relevant information.
    • You may select the courses in different faculties at VMU but the majority of it has to be selected in one main faculty.
    • Note: recommended amount of the credits: 24 - 36 ECTS.
  • Research plan (only for PhD students). Written in free form, document should provide all detailed information about student's research topic, scientific interests and goals foreseen to be achieved during the mobility period.

  1. Download the INSTRUCTIONS which will help you to fill out VMU Online Application Form. Invitation to complete Application form will be sent to your email after your university sends the nomination..
  2. Fill out the Application form and upload all required documents.

Application deadline:

May 17 For  autumn semester or full academic year studies
November 17 For  spring semester or calendar year studies

Your application form will be processed in 4 weeks after application deadline by VMU exchange coordinator who will send the confirmation or will ask you to send additional documents by e-mail.

Your Learning Agreement will be signed by the responsible academic coordinator and attached to your online Application Form together with the Acceptance Letter.

Note: you are not requested to send the original application documents by post. The Acceptance Letter also will not be sent by post.

  • Financial agreement: before the start of your studies the coordinator of VMU International Cooperation Department will send you Financial agreement which states your study period and size of scholarship and travel grant (please read "Scholarship").
  • Accommodation: The university accommodation is being organized by VMU Student Affairs Department. The accommodation information can be found HERE.
  • Health Insurance is one of the obligatory requirements for all international students at Vytautas Magnus University which should be taken care of before the students’ arrival. Please find the following information HERE.
  • Visa: Non-European Union, non-EEA or non-EFTA country citizens should apply for multiple entry National visas (D). Please check the Visa Guide for more information.
  • Arrival arrangements: Please check the Academic Calendar for your arrival arrangement. We recommend you not to miss any classes at the beginning of the semester and to participate in the Orientation Days where the essential academic information and lots of entertainment activities are offered.
    The first days of the semester are quite crowded at the University, so VMU International Cooperation Department plans the registration date and time for each student in order to avoid long waiting lines.
  • Mentor's programme: In order to make the adaptation process of incoming students at the University easier, the Mentors' Programme has been established. Please find more about it HERE.
    Once you know your arrival date, time and place, please fill in the Arrival Arrangement and Mentor Support Form (sent by VMU exchange coordinator before arrival). Your mentor will contact you to arrange the meeting with you in Kaunas and your exchange coordinator at VMU will inform you about your registration date and time at the International Cooperation Department.
  • Reaching VMU dormitory: Vytautas Magnus University provides information how to reach VMU dormitories. Please find the directions HERE.

Your home university should inform you if you are eligible to receive an Erasmus+ scholarship. If the scholarship is not available, then your university could offer you an opportunity to study at VMU with a "zero-grant", which means that tuition fee for you is waived but you will have to cover your travel and living expenses from personal funds.

What scholarship will you get?

1. Scholarship

Per month
Non-EU/EEA Countries 800,00 Eur

2. Travel grant
The amount depends on the distance between VMU (Kaunas city) and place of receiving HEI (city)*

Travel distance Amount allocated Ecological trip - the allocated amount**
From 100 to 499 km: 180,00 Eur 285,00 Eur
From 500 to 1999 km: 275,00 Eur 417,00 Eur
From 2000 to 2999 km: 360,00 Eur 535,00 Eur
From 3000 to 3999 km: 530,00 Eur 785,00 Eur
From 4000 to 7999 km: 820,00 Eur -
8000 km or more: 1.500,00 Eur -

* According to the distance calculator (European Commission):
** The funding opportunities depend on the project's year and the received funding. Please contact ICD for more information.

An eco-friendly trip: An eco-trip is a trip to and back from the host institution that uses low-emission vehicles, such as buses, trains, or a car journey with fellow passengers who are also involved in mobility activities. Students, who choose an eco-friendly trip, must inform the International Relations Department coordinator of this choice no later than one month before the trip.

Students are receiving the scholarship in two stages:

  • 70% of the scholarship and travel grant is being transferred in 2 weeks after arrival and opening a bank account in Lithuania;
  • 30% of the scholarship and travel grant is being transferred before the end of your studies, when student fulfills all the requirements (please, read "Before departure").

Student can receive an additional social scholarship (250 Eur per month), if a person belongs to the below mentioned groups.

Groups: Students must submit the supporting documents* issued by the responsible authorities:
Persons entitled to or receiving social benefits under the Republic of Lithuania Law on Cash Social Assistance for Poor Residents or the corresponding law in the person’s country of citizenship. Certificate of receipt of social assistance or relevant document(s) from the person’s country of nationality. The provided document also must include the time period for which the student receives financial support from his/her country of origin, and it must overlap with the Erasmus+ study period.
Persons who have a disability determined in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts. Disability certificate or certificate from a medical institution.
Persons aged 25 or under who have been placed under guardianship (custody) before reaching the age of majority in accordance with the procedure established by law or whose parents (or the only parent they had) are (is) dead. Death certificates, court or other decisions; a certificate from an orphanage.
Persons with a young child(ren) (up to 12 years). Birth certificate(s) of the child(ren).
Refugees Decision on Granting Asylum in Lithuania or Permanent Residence Permit in accordance with Article 53(1)(7) of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners.
Citizens of Ukraine studying at VMU during the war in Ukraine caused by Russia. A copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

*All students also have to send a completed request form.

Description of groups of persons with fewer opportunities.

  • If you have changed one or more courses during the registration to the courses, please change your Learning agreement during the first month of your studies at VMU. You have to fill in the part called "During the mobility" and send it to the responsible persons for signatures. Fully signed version should be sent to the coordinator of VMU International Cooperation Department.
  • Enjoy your studies at VMU!

1. Fill in the online Erasmus report in 20 days after receiving the request. The request  will be sent to your e-mail 30 days before the end of your studies.
2. Complete the settlement with the university 2 weeks before your departure.
3. Visit VMU International Cooperation Department and take the confirmation of your Erasmus+ period.

Just after completing all above listed steps you will receive the remaining amount of the scholarship and travel grant.

4. VMU International Cooperation Department will send you an electronic Transcript of Records in 5 weeks after official end of the semester. Original document will be sent only after receiving a personal request.