VMU Trade Unions

VMU Trade Unions

The VMU Trade Union is a member of the Joint Trade Union (JTU). JTU unites a dozen trade unions of different institutions and has many years of experience. Since 2008, the VMU TU has been a member of ATULHEI (Association of Trade Unions of Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions), which unites all trade unions of Lithuanian higher education institutions. The Union represents all university employees and protects its members. If a member of the VMU TU has any problem, he/she may inform any member of the Committee about it. After consulting JTU specialists, the Committee members take action. The highest body of the VMU TU is the Assembly of Members. The executive power is vested in the VMU TU Committee, which is composed of representatives of various units of the University.

VMU Trade Union Akademus 

Vytautas Magnus University Trade Union Akademus was founded on 16 June 2021 (before that it used to be the Trade Union of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Employees). It unites and represents academic and non-academic employees of all VMU units. Members of Akademus enjoy many of the rights declared in the national collective agreement and all the rights established in the collective agreement of the Lithuanian education and science branch.

The management bodies of the trade union Akademus (elected at the General Assembly of VMU members on 16 June 2021).

The Committee

  1. Romualdas Povilaitis (Chairperson)
  2. Alvydas Aleksandravičius (Deputy)
  3. Vincas Gurskis
  4. Alfonsas Kazlauskas
  5. Sonata Kazlauskaitė
  6. Kęstutis Navickas
  7. Rita Rimkienė
  8. Asta SteikūnienėJolanta Treinytė

Auditing Commission

  1. Rita Abračinskienė
  2. Midona Dabkienė
  3. Daiva Raižytė
  4. Ilona Vagusevičienė
  5. Janas Žukovskis
