System of Credits and Grading

The System of studies at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is based on three levels that were introduced in 1993: Bachelor, Master and PhD.

The first level, undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree studies, take four years and require the students to obtain 240 ECTS credits. The degree is awarded upon completion and presentation of the BA Thesis.

The second level, graduate (Master’s) degree studies, take between 1.5 to 2 years of full time studies. Their purpose is to deepen or expand the graduate’s competences in the chosen field. Students receive Master’s degree after successfully completing 120 ECTS credits and the MA Thesis.

The third level, Doctorate (PhD), is attained after four years of additional study.

All courses are measured in credits. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is implemented in all faculties/academies of the university. One year of studies at VMU equals to 60 credits, i.e. usually 30 per semester. One ECTS credit equals approximately 27 (26.67) hours (1 hour = 60 minutes) of studying in the form of lectures, assignments, practical training, independent research, group studies or written reports.

60 ECTS credits represent the workload of full time Bachelor's or Master's degree academic year of study and usually 30 ECTS credits is for a semester at VMU.

The two years PhD degree workload is 30 ECTS credits.

All VMU credits are fully transferable to any university in the world recognising university studies within the European Union.

Each exchange / part-time student is recommended to consult their university's adviser on studies abroad prior to arrival regarding how ECTS credits transfer into their national system of credit points.

Grading scale

An absolute ten-point grading scale is used to access the knowledge of the university students. The grade indicates the level of knowledge expressed as a percentage from the intended volume of the programme. The ten-point grading system is applied for the assessment of examinations, projects, homework, tests and other tasks. The examination assessed by negative grades is considered to be fail and this subject must be retaken for the second time.

Level of knowledge is indicated by these grades:

  • Positive grades: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5;
  • Negative grades: 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Note: VMU degree students who fail more than two final exams during the whole study period are eliminated from the studies at VMU.

To facilitate the understanding and comparison of grades given according to different national and/or international systems an institutional grading system has been developed in the framework of ECTS. The ECTS grading table helps to interpret student performance during the studies at VMU and recognition of VMU students‘ exchange study results abroad.

Grading scale Evaluation ECTS grade Positive/Negative
10 Excellent: outstanding performance with only minor mistakes A Positive
9 Very good: above the average standards, but with some errors B
8 Good: generally sound work with number of notable errors C
7-6 Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings D
5* Sufficient: performance meet the minimum criteria E
4* Very weak: Considerable further work is required F/FX Negative
3* Unsatisfactory F/FX
2* Bad F/FX
1* Unfair behavior or failure to appear for evaluation F/FX

* The last positive passing grade is 5 (weak).

Statistical distribution of local grades varies within the every study programme. University staff responsible for conversion of grades provides the students with transparent information for grading scale combined with statistical data on student performance upon request. Please contact Academic Coordinators for more information.

VMU students after the exchange period spent at the foreign higher education institution should present a Transcript of Records and Annex with grades and credits conversion explanations in order to get recognition of his/her mobility activities.

Grades and credits from other than the ECTS system is transferred regarding the explanation of system conversion to ECTS by the institution, which issued the Transcript of Records.

According to 30/01/2019 Rector’s order No. 82 assigned faculty staff members are responsible for the recognition of grades and credits at VMU. For more information please contact the academic coordinator at your faculty.

Grades and credits gained at the foreign higher education institution are provided in VMU Diploma Supplement after the student's graduation.