Liberal Study System of VMU

VMU is a wide range University that fosters the principles of artes liberales and is oriented to interdisciplinary studies and research providing a comprehensive education for future creators.

VMU offers enjoyable environment for studies at all levels of university education as students arrange their schedule for the lectures (the study plan) according to the requirements of the chosen study programme and their own intentions.

Each student can comprise their study plan from these options:

Artes liberales study subjects

Each Bachelor’s degree programme provides from 40 to 56 credits for artes liberales study subjects that are chosen by the students themselves according to certain principles. The BA level subjects are divided into three groups: A, B and C. Group A consists of introductory courses to various branches of science and areas. They are divided into 4 subgroups:

  • Nature Science, Technological and Agricultural Sciences;
  • The Humanities;
  • Social Sciences;
  • Arts;
  • Foreign Languages.

During the first 2 years one has to choose at least one subject from first 4 subgroups and study foreign languages.


Students have an opportunity to learn foreign languages from 30 on offer (foreign languages are an integral part of the study). Each student designs their own study plan and studies according to their needs, opportunities and personal plans for a professional or personal career.

During BA level studies, a lot of attention is paid to teaching foreign languages. Students are offered the opportunity to study languages at the Centre of Foreign Languages. VMU students have to reach level C1 of the English language and acquire the basics in computer literacy, if they do not have them as obligatory subjects.

Minor study programmes

VMU offers a unique opportunity for every first cycle or integrated programme student to choose from 50 minor programmes. Alongside a Bachelor’s degree diploma of their major specialty, VMU graduates can also get a certificate of minor studies and later apply for a Master’s degree programme of another study field. Minor studies – studies covering the fundamentals of a specific study field, the completion of which provides preparation for further studies or for professional activity. A certificate of minor studies is issued after completion of these studies. Combination of major and minor studies ensures the possibilities for students to venture and collect competencies in various study fields while studying in their chosen primary study programme.

Besides typical minor degree study programmes, available as an individual study path, Vytautas Magnus university develops additional alternative choices of Individual study programme for early research with tutoring and Minded VMU entrepreneurship academy minor studies. These are specific individual study programmes available as an option for students to study alongside their major study programme and gain either research experience and skills, or entrepreneurship competencies.

 Alternative courses

The Group B comprises the subjects which are chosen freely. These are the introductory level courses from other study fields and or study programmes, usually from the first or second BA study programmes year that do not need specific prerequisites and a student from any study programme can take the course as and alternative one.