Rectors of VMU
Before the closure in 1950
- Professor Jonas Šimkus (1873–1944)
The first Rector of the University (1922–1923). - Professor Vincas Čepinskis (1871–1940)
The Rector of the University in 1923–1924 and 1929–1933. - Professor Pranciškus Petras Būčys (1872–1951)
The Rector of the University in 1924–1925. - Professor Petras Avižonis (1875–1939)
The Rector of the University in 1925–1926. - Professor Mykolas Biržiška (1882–1962)
The Rector of the University in 1926–1927. - Professor Mykolas Römeris (1880–1945)
The Rector of the University in 1927–1928 and 1933–1939. - Professor Pranas Jodelė (1871–1955)
The Rector of the University in 1928–1929. - Professor Stasys Šalkauskis (1886–1941)
The Rector of the University in 1939–1940. - Professor Antanas Purėnas (1881–1962)
The Rector of the University in 1940–1941 and 1944–1946. - Professor Julijonas Gravrogkas (1885–1968)
The Rector of the University in 1941–1943. - Professor Juozas Kupčinskas (1906–1971)
The Rector of the University in 1947–1950.
After re-establishment in 1989
- Professor Algirdas Avižienis b. 1932.
The Rector of the University in 1990–1993. - Professor Bronius Vaškelis b. 1922.
The Rector of the University in 1993–1996. - Professor Vytautas Kaminskas b. 1946.
The Rector of the University in 1996–2006. - Professor Zigmas Lydeka b. 1954.
The Rector of the University in 2006–2015. - Professor Juozas Augutis b. 1955.
The current Rector of the University since 2015.