Information About Upcoming General Census


A general population and housing census has begun on March 1 in Lithuania. For two weeks, people will be able to fill out information about themselves electronically online. This brand new feature is especially relevant to people who have come to study in Lithuania from abroad or have departed from Lithuania for a shorter time period than a year.

During the census, the students must provide the address which is their permanent place of residence (dormitory, rented flat, parents’ or relatives’ home, etc.), in other words, the place in the city where they are studying. This address does not have to match the address of their declared place of residence.

Those who have left Lithuania to study abroad for a shorter time period than a year must fill out information about their place in Lithuania. This can be done online.

All the inhabitants of the residences must be included in the census. Therefore, if the students, who are currently abroad, live with their parents in Lithuania, the parents may complete the census form for their children online or provide the data about the departees during the survey of the population, which will take place on April 5 – May 9. It will then be noted that the family member is temporarily away.

Students who have left the country for a period longer than a year should participate in a census of the country where they live and study.

Foreign students who are living in Lithuania for a period longer than a year, should participate in this census and fill out the information about themselves and their location in Lithuania.

Participating in the census online is possible on March 1–14 at People who have not provided information for the census online will be visited by census workers from April 5 to May 9. More information is available in Lithuanian here.

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