VMU Youth Think Tank Discussed Pluriculturalism

On Wednesday 13 December, 4–6 p.m., at VMU Research and Studies Centre (23 V. Putvinskio, Rooms 310-311), youth think tank “How to be pluricultural and preserve your cultural traditions?” was held. During the event, VMU international students participated in a discussion with the Ambasador of Canada Jeanette Sautner and VMU Vice-Rector for Communication Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė.
According to the VMU Vice-Rector for Communication Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė, the idea of a youth think tank for Ukrainian and Lithuanian high school students was proposed by the former head of VMU Centre of Ukraine, Ambassador Algirdas Kumža. The first youth think tanks, which aim to become a platform of conversations and discussions, were organised at the VMU Centre of Ukraine in Vilnius. They have been attended by various honourable guests: the First Lady of the Republic of Lithuania (patron of the Centre of Ukraine), the heads of the parliaments of Lithuania and Ukraine, and ambassadors of different countries.
“The second Youth Think Tank, which was organised in Kaunas, invited people to discuss identity: an issue which is particularly important to youths. Surrounded by a pluricultural environment, thanks to studies, travels, and informal communication, we are all becoming pluricultural and perhaps plurilingual personalities. However, how do those various cultures fit together within us? How do we manage to retain a harmonious self? Or is pluriculturalism understood as a virtue by everyone?”, Assoc. Prof. Bijeikienė said, introducing the event.
These questions were analyzed in the discussion by VMU international students from various countries and the upper-secondary pupils of Kaunas schools. The event was opened symbolically by the Ambassador of Canada to Lithuania Jeanette Sautner, who shared her experience. Her insights on Canada’s support to Ukraine, the country’s pluriculturalism, immigration policies, good practices, and the benefit brought to the adaptation of foreigners by governmental and non-governmental programs as well as informal initiatives provided a broader context and created a cozy atmosphere for a frank discussion.
The event was also attended remotely by the Director of British Council Lithuania Ona Vyšniauskaitė. The Youth Think Tank is an inseparable part of the project Už Geresnį Rytojų (For Better Tomorrow), which received generous support and funding from the British Council. VMU is glad to cooperate in the nurturing of the ideas and perspectives of the new generation.
The students and the pupils shared their own personal experiences and the phases of adaptation in another country that they had gone through: “the honey moon”, anxiety, adaptation, and acceptance. VMU BA student of Sociology and Anthroplogy Mykhailo Dorzhenko (Ukraine) spoke about the difficult road to adulthood in a foreign country, but in the end he wished for the discussion participants to stay brave and to never be ashamed of their culture.
Awardee of IISMA programme, student from Indonesia Fiki Andriansa talked about the importance of preserving one’s cultural identity and the unique and rich culture of Indonesia. Together with another participant of the discussion, Erasmus+ student from Italy Alessandro Geraci, he encouraged people to remain open and curious and to seek out like-minded peers who can help them defeat challenges.
At the end of the discussion, its moderator, VMU Vice-Rector for Communication Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė urged the students and the pupils to keep a broader perspective, not to shy away from taking on various community-building initiatives, and to take part in informal activities at Vytautas Magnus University, which is a great space for their development.
The discussion participants were the Ambassador of Canada in Lithuania Jeanette Sautner, the Director of British Council Lithuania Ona Vyšniauskaitė, VMU employee from Ukraine Ganna Tron, VMU student from Ukraine Mykhailo Dorzhenko, awardee of IISMA programme, student from Indonesia Fiki Andriansah, and Erasmus+ student from Italy Alessandro Geraci. The event’s moderator: VMU Vice-Rector for Communication Dr. Vilma Bijeikienė.