VMU to Promote Exchange Opportunities in a Special Week of Events


Coffee, magic dogs and everything in between: VMU will promote exchange opportunities in a special week of events. More information about events you will find here.

It might be hard to believe, but the international student exchange initiative Erasmus+, which is an integral part of the study process today, is actually 33 years old and still going strong. According to the data, approx. 9 million students have already benefited of Erasmus since its launch, and thanks to it, 1 million Erasmus babies have been born!

It is also noteworthy that, like many innovative and not-yet-tried ideas, this international exchange initiative was at first met as a utopian, hard-to-implement fantasy, so never let anyone doubt your ideas – dream, travel, create startups and be brave in everything that matters.

Indeed, the Erasmus+ exchange programme is an amazing experience which allows students to live and study abroad, improve their language skills, meet a lot of new people, and expand their horizons! However, the first step is always the hardest one when embarking on an adventure. So, it is very natural that all sorts of practical questions and concerns pop up regarding the logistics of this entire affair.

In order to prepare for this serious yet rewarding step and cover all the ins and outs of studying abroad, the International Cooperation Department of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) organizes a week during which students will be able to ask ALL the questions, meet students from other countries and, most importantly, participate in a variety of events. Even if you are not going on exchange just yet, this week will leave you with pocketful of rewarding experiences, bits of information, and good memories. There are some great things in store for everyone interested: coffee, movies, popcorn, poetry slams, music, performances by magical dogs, questions, answers, laughter, and everything you make it to be. We hope, dear students, that this proves our dedication and how badly we want you to go explore and go on exchange. But let’s step back a little and look at the programme.

The week, which is intended to present the exchange opportunities, will start off with a movie screening about the Erasmus success story: why it is called that way, how it expanded, and why it is useful. You will meet the team of the International Office, get treated to some popcorn and soda, watch the movie, and discuss it.

The second day will be dedicated to all the ifs and buts and everything in between. Which country should you choose? What kind of scholarship can you expect? How to get your credits recognized? Can you get in touch with someone from the country you want to go to? We will clear all of this up! And since Erasmus+ will make you exercise in a way, as you will explore your new campus and / or new city of residence, we also invite you to the VMU Sports Centre, where you will see a showcase of various sports activities at VMU and gain some actual training. The spring is right around the corner, after all, even though the ghost of the Christmas table might still haunt some of us… No more hibernation, people!

On Wednesday, we will continue with presentations on what to expect from exchange studies. International students will present their home countries and universities and answer some puzzling questions about everything from choosing what to pack to finding the best kebab while studying in the city of your dreams.

Buckle up, however, because it won’t stop there: the evening will feature a true international extravaganza of knowledge and creativity. Come to Punto Jazz for two intertwining events that will tickle the parts of your brain responsible for knowing a variety of facts as well as the part dedicated to your artistic and creative aspirations. This is because we will combine a trivia quiz with a poetry slam / open mic, where everyone, the locals, guests and glocals, will be able to awe the audience with their works of mind / poetry / monologues / dialogues and what-nots. Needless to say, these two intertwined but separate events require registration.  Remember that part about inventing new things and formats? We are doing that right there on the spot!

And on Thursday, when you get used to all the fuss in the hallways and start considering which pocket dictionary to buy, our exchange week will come to an end, just like all good things… But this will also be something amazing: we will invite an interesting speaker who has roamed the world and knows how rewarding it is when you leave the safe space of your home and an entire new world opens up inside of you. You will listen to some fine live music by Šarūnas Joneikis (vocalist of Garbanotas, a band known in Lithuania, check it out), and meet magical canine friends from Stebuklingi Draugai:  two four-legged buddies Dodis and Šubis who earn their treats by working in canine therapy. They also love cuddles and Sunday walks in the forest and you can help them as well. So yes, this evening is about all kinds of self-realisation, be it exchange study visits or volunteering.

We will also invite you to share some snacks over stimulating conversations with interesting people (that’s why we need you to come) and receive some awards for active participation, positive vibes, discoveries, inventions, and surprises: we appreciate and celebrate curiosity and we think it must be rewarded! So let’s meet on February 17 and spend that entire week together.

Registration to events and more information is coming soon.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email international@vdu.lt or visit us at International Cooperation Department in V. Putvinskio str. 23, 207-214.

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