VMU to Support Students Who Suffered Repressions by Belarus Government


Vytautas Magnus University has established a support fund for students admitted to the university who have been expelled or persecuted for civil and/or political reasons due to the repressive actions of the government of Belarus and consequently could not continue their studies due to the fear of an unsafe environment, thus terminating their studies in the institutions of higher education in Belarus.

VMU will issue 50 scholarships, which will include:

  1. 100 percent tuition fee waiver for the entire study period, covering the studies and accommodation in the VMU dormitory until the expiry of the accommodation contract;
  2. 100 percent fee waiver for a 4-week intensive online course on Lithuanian language and culture in January 2021 and, if necessary, the waiver of fee for an additional English course of a particular level;
  3. The possibility to receive a social scholarship amounting to 160 EUR if the student experiences financial or social difficulties upon his or her arrival to study and live in Lithuania;
  4. Free psychological support, if needed.

Additional plans include targeted scholarships that would partially cover the cost of living, provided that such scholarships are awarded by legal/natural persons who provide assistance to those affected by the situation in Belarus. Moreover, support is planned to be provided through goods and / or services.

Information for Students

Should you have any questions, please send them to the responsible person at VMU, Mrs. Elena Lukoševičienė, elena.lukoseviciene@vdu.lt.

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