VMU Extends a Helping Hand to Ukraine: Everyone is Welcome to Donate

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Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), continuing the initiative dedicated to the support of Eastern Partnership countries, has extended a helping hand to the Ukrainians. In 2020, VMU established a support fund dedicated to students who suffered from repression by the Belarusian government. Now, this fund will also support students who suffered from military operations in Ukraine. The university is also prepared to welcome students and lecturers who are fleeing from war in Ukraine. Like other higher education schools in Lithuania, VMU has terminated relations with higher education institutions of Russia and Belarus.

Everyone is welcome to donate to the support fund for the Ukrainians: businesses, the public and individual persons. The received funds are used for scholarships to the Ukrainians who come to study at VMU: the support covers their expenses on studies, accommodation, and settlement. If needed, these funds may also cover the students’ subsistence expenses.

“We must not stand on the sidelines as the horrors of war are taking place so close to us. We ask everyone who is not indifferent to human suffering and supports democratic and humanistic values to donate to this fund. Our support is very important to people who have been affected by war and the political situation. The donated money will reach the members of academic community in Ukraine and the incoming students who need it the most. We express strong support to communities of our partner universities in Ukraine”, VMU Vice-Rector for Communication, Assoc. Prof. Vilma Bijeikienė said.

Currently, 310 citizens of Ukraine are studying at VMU. Ukraine is an important partner of VMU: as part of the Erasmus+ program, VMU cooperates with 10 Ukrainian universities, while bilateral agreements have been signed with 30 other higher education schools.

Since 2013, in order to contribute to the consolidation of democracy, Vytautas Magnus Unviersity has been paying special attention to students of the Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Each year, 20–40 students from these countries receive scholarships.

We invite natural and legal persons to contribute to the support fund dedicated to students who have suffered from state repression. The donors may provide students from Ukraine with financial support or their own products or services; they may also create the conditions for the students to do paid internship at their companies or organizations, thus providing the students with possibilities to live independently during their studies in Lithuania.

The funds for this project can be transferred to the following account of AB SEB Bank:

LT41 7044 0600 0284 8638
Beneficiary’s name: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
Payment description: Support for students from Ukraine


We invite companies to present job or internship offers to the Ukrainian academic community by email: karjera@vdu.lt


We invite you to sign a petition organized by the Ukrainian World Congress. The petition, which aims to stop war crimes, can be found here.



Funwi Ayuninjam

I stand with people who seek freedom from colonialism or imperialism. Ukraine should be able to forge a future for itself, including choosing its allies around the world. Russia should be prosecuted for any war crimes it commits in Ukraine.


I am concerned about what support is available for Ukraine permanent residents. Is there any free scholarship for them or just the citizens?

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