Biology and Genetics
From the moment you first peered through a microscope and
saw a cell, you knew this acquaintance was going to last. After all, biology
offers limitless possibilities: upon graduation, you can pursue careers in
fields such as biotechnology, biopharmaceutics, the food industry,
environmental protection, and many others. And exploring the realm of genetics
unlocks the ability to analyse hereditary algorithms and address questions,
such as how the diets and lifestyles of grandparents can affect the lives of
their grandchildren. In this programme, you will gain a solid foundation in
areas related to biology. Here, you will study general biology, physics,
chemistry, genetics, plants, animals, algae, and fungi. You will develop an
understanding of the laws of evolution and molecular principles, learn to
identify and analyse biological systems and objects, explore their structure,
nourishment, reproduction and life cycles, and acquire knowledge about their
classification. You will also develop the skills to work with cells and
organisms, along with the ability to systematise and present your research in a
professional manner. And most importantly, you will become a critical and
creative specialist capable of applying biology in a wide range of fields.
Why Biology and Genetics programme?
- Comprehensive – program is devoted to excellence in
teaching, learning, research and innovation, and fostering critical thinking,
imaginative response as well as the desire and capacity for lifelong learning
of students who will have an impact on the world, locally and globally.
- International and multilingual – one of the programs aims is
for students to start developing international networks and intercultural
dialogues, to participate in international scientific, academic and social
projects. Program also encourages the mobility of students and lecturers.
- Kaizen - the main strength of research at VMU is our ability
to respond to an increasingly globalised and competitive landscape prompting
the dynamic formation of new research priorities and facilitating ongoing
improvements in research performance both at a national and an international
- Communal - promoting dialogue and tolerance among students
and lecturers. Teachers strive to make their subjects innovative, attractive to
students, and, most importantly, to reflect the needs and concerns of today.
#Genetics #Biology #Studies #Biotechnology #Science

The Biology and Genetics programme encourages students to discover innovative and original solutions to biological problems.
Prof. Algimantas Paulauskas, Professor at the Department of Biology, Programme Teacher

Successfully applies scientific knowledge to understand the molecular function of DNA modifications in normal and cancer cells. He has made significant discoveries of genetic material components that selectively destroy various types of cancer cells.
Skirmantas Kriaučionis, graduate, Associate Professor at University of Oxford. Lead of Research Group on Epigenetic Mechanisms

The studies have sparked a fascination for future genomic technologies, their development, and commercialisation. These advancements enable successful monitoring of dangerous viruses and analysis of the possibilities for controlling their spread. Moreover, by inscribing the Lithuanian national anthem into the DNA molecule, he has showcased the boundless potential of utilizing genetic knowledge.
Lukas Žemaitis, graduate, Geneticist at the LSMU and the NPHSL, Co-founder of UAB Genomika

To acquire practical skills, students have the opportunity to choose internships in a wide range of companies and institutions, in cooperation with former students and social partners. Representatives of social partners are included in the study programme Committee and are invited to participate in programme reviews and updates, and representatives of individual companies are invited to give lectures in this study programme.
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
General Biology | Algimantas Paulauskas | 4 |
Mathematics | Linas Martišauskas | 6 |
General Chemistry | Valdas Paulauskas | 4 |
Optional courses I | ||
Basic Ecology | Irena Januškaitienė | 4 |
Computer Literacy | Artūras Mickus | 4 |
A group subjects | 10 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Invertebrate Biology | Ingrida Šatkauskienė | 5 |
Anatomy, Morphology and Systematics of Embriophytes | Eugenija Kupčinskienė | 5 |
Field Work in Plant Biology | Edvina Krokaitė-Kudakienė | 5 |
General Physics | Saulius Mickevičius | 6 |
A group subjects | 10 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Biochemistry | Zita Naučienė | 6 |
Professional Language of Natural Sciences | Danguolė Kalinauskaitė | 3 |
Vertebrate Biology | Ingrida Šatkauskienė | 5 |
Developmental Biology | Danutė Batiuškaitė | 5 |
Algology and Mycology | Eugenija Kupčinskienė | 5 |
A group subjects | 4 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Human and Animal Morphophysiology | Danutė Batiuškaitė | 5 |
General Genetics | Vaida Tubelytė | 6 |
Field Work in Animal Biology | Ingrida Šatkauskienė | 5 |
Microbiology | Renata Žvirdauskienė | 5 |
Functional Biology of Plants | Lina Jocienė | 6 |
A group subjects | 4 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Evolution and Phylogeny | Loreta Griciuvienė | 4 |
Term Paper 1 | Jana Radzijevskaja | 3 |
Animal Ecology | Loreta Griciuvienė | 5 |
Research Methodology | Vytautas Mažeika | 4 |
Protozoology | Ingrida Šatkauskienė | 5 |
Human Genetics | Daiva Ambrasienė | 5 |
Optional courses I | ||
Beekeeping | Algirdas Amšiejus | 4 |
Forest Entomology | Povilas Mulerčikas | 4 |
Parasitology and Phytopathology | Vytautas Mažeika | 5 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Term Paper 2 | Algimantas Paulauskas | 3 |
Biogeography | Vytautas Mažeika | 4 |
Biophysics | Gintautas Saulis | 5 |
Cell Cultures | Rita Saulė | 5 |
Population and Ecological Genomics | Loreta Griciuvienė | 6 |
Optional courses I | ||
Ornithology | Selemonas Paltanavičius | 5 |
Molecular Biology in Biotechnology | Jana Radzijevskaja | 5 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Special Biology Practice | Algimantas Paulauskas | 5 |
Immunology | Indrė Lipatova | 5 |
Plant Ecology | Eugenija Kupčinskienė | 5 |
Biostatistics | Sandra Andrušaitytė | 3 |
Molecular Genetics | Vaida Tubelytė | 6 |
Optional courses I | ||
Aquaculture Systems | Gražina Žibienė | 4 |
Plants and Society | Edvina Krokaitė-Kudakienė | 4 |
Ecogenotoxicology and Health | Irma Ražanskė | 4 |
Course | Lecturer | ECTS Credits |
Basic Biotechnology and Bioinformatics | Vykintas Baublys | 6 |
Neurobiology | Saulius Šatkauskas | 6 |
Bachelor Graduation Thesis | Algimantas Paulauskas | 15 |
Epigenetics | Vaida Tubelytė | 5 |