Accounting and Finance

Business and Public Management
Accounting and Finance


The traditional image of Accounting and Finance is a thing of the past! Creative, digitised accounting, sustainable finance management, tax optimisation, organisational value creation, risk management, and assessment of future opportunities all become the work of highly qualified accounting and finance professionals! All of this is offered by the interdisciplinary Accounting and Finance study programme. Equipped with knowledge of national and international accounting standards and principles of financial management, graduates of this programme are able to manage accounting and financial processes, identify new facts and problem areas in accounting and finance and select appropriate problem-solving methods, analyse and forecast an organisation's finances and evaluate its future prospects, and to assist the organisation's manager in making informed decisions. Choose precision and learn the modern language of numbers in business!

Why to choose this programme?

  • Accounting is a business language, that helps to understand the meaning of numbers and the significant processes that takes place in any company.
  • Programme prepares highly qualified, innovative financiers that operates creative, digitized accounting, sustainable (green) financial management, tax optimization, organizational value creation, risk management and assessment of future opportunities.
  • You will be prepared for managing both - accounting and finances.
  • You will be able to help the managers of the biggest companies to make the right decisions how successfully manage the business.
  • Every business needs its professional accountant – you will have wide job opportunities and a possibility to choose whether you want to lead a company or manage your own business.

*The programme is conducted in English or Russian languages. If You will choose to study in  Russian - just the first year of the programme will be conducted in Russian, from the second year - in English.

Application to programme in English here

Application to programme start year in Russian here


#accounting #finance #revenue #expenses #profit #taxes #audit #digitisation #sustainablefinance #riskmanagement

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Studying in the interdisciplinary Accounting and Finance study programme, I learned the essentials – how to manage corporate and farm accounting and business finance. This knowledge has helped me to enter the market as a competitive professional and to apply my experience in my daily activities.

Tomas Diliūnas, graduate, Senior Accountant at UAB Hegelmann Transporte

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Studying Accounting and Finance has equipped me with excellent professional skills to launch my own business, and now I can relish in having satisfied clients and collaborating with demanding and highly qualified partners.

Inga Šipelienė, graduate, Head of MB Verslo Finansės Bitės

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We highly value graduates of the Accounting and Finance programme as this programme provides students with integrated knowledge of accounting and finance, as well as their management. Highly qualified specialists with a modern approach to accounting and financial management are particularly in demand.

Zita Sinickienė, social partner, Head of Accounting Department at Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service


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The study programme actively cooperates with partners in organising educational lectures, traineeships, and project activities, as well as in discussing the training of specialists. Partners contribute to improving the quality of studies, propose topics with practical applications for final theses, and establish job opportunities.


Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Microeconomics Anastasija Novikova 6
Basic of Business and Public Management Lina Marcinkevičiūtė 4
Mathematics Linas Martišauskas 6
A group subjects 14
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Business Law Jolanta Vilkevičiūtė 4
Macroeconomics Bernardas Vaznonis 6
Bioeconomy Development Vladzė Vitunskienė 4
Fundamentals of Accounting Dalia Juočiūnienė 6
A group subjects 10
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Economic Statistics Janina Kaminskienė 6
Fundamentals of Finance Jurgita Baranauskienė 6
Human Resource Management Asta Raupelienė 4
Financial Accounting 1 Dalia Juočiūnienė 6
Optional courses I
Rhetoric and Communication Rasa Pranskūnienė 4
Business Social Responsibility and Ethics Jolita Greblikaitė 4
A group subjects 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Financial Accounting 2 Danutė Zinkevičienė 6
Business Tax Jūratė Savickienė 6
Econometrics Daiva Rimkuvienė 6
Project Management Rimantas Dapkus 4
Optional courses I
Marketing Vilma Tamulienė 4
International Business Law Jolanta Vilkevičiūtė 4
Labour Law Dalia Perkumienė 4
Business Planning and Forecasting Rolandas Rakštys 4
Agricultural and Food Technologies Rolandas Drejeris 4
A group subjects 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Accounting in Public Sector Erika Besusparienė 6
Financial Accountability Danutė Zinkevičienė 6
Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting Dalia Juočiūnienė 6
Public Finance Asta Bendoraitytė 6
Accounting Information Technologies Algirdas Justinas Staugaitis 6
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Financial Analysis Lina Martirosian 6
Fundamentals of Financial Management Asta Bendoraitytė 6
Internal Audit and Control Aurelija Kustienė 4
Financial Accounting Term Paper Danutė Zinkevičienė 4
Internship 1 Dalia Juočiūnienė 6
Optional courses I
Personal Financial Management Laima Skauronė 4
Banking Laura Girdžiūtė 4
Accounting and Finance in Non-Profit Organizations Dalia Juočiūnienė 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Accounting Information Systems Algirdas Justinas Staugaitis 6
Accounting of Agrobusiness Activity Danutė Zinkevičienė 6
Fundamentals of Audit Aurelija Kustienė 6
Management of Company Finance Asta Bendoraitytė 4
International Accounting Regulation Erika Besusparienė 4
Financial Management Term Paper Asta Bendoraitytė 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Internship 2 Dalia Juočiūnienė 9
Entrepreneurial Training Jurgita Zaleckienė 6
Bachelor Graduation Thesis Danutė Zinkevičienė 15
Total ECTS credits: