Registration for the Freedom to Create 2025 Conference

VMU invites you to participate in a student conference “Freedom to Create” which will be held on May 9th, 2025. The conference is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the most famous Lithuanian artist and composer, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875-1910).
The conference will take place at the VMU Multifunctional Science and Studies Centre (V. Putvinskio g. 23, Kaunas).
Undergraduate, graduate and exchange students of all fields of study are invited to deliver their presentations, present their creative work and/or moderate one of the conference parallel sessions. Presentations can be made individually or in a group with other students.
REGISTRATION FORM and more information.
Registration is open until 31 March.
“The all-time most phenomenal Lithuanian artist, a composer, painter and photographer, whose work comes across as an embodiment of interdisciplinarity and profundity, as a synthesis of avant-garde and heritage and as an inspiration for everyone from the fields of art and humanities to the realms of society, technology and sciences,” says Assoc. Prof. Vilma Bijeikienė, Vice-Rector for Communication at VMU.
The Topics of the Presentations:
- University as a Space for Creation and Art
- Possibilities and Limits of Freedom
- Creativity and Technology
- Solutions for Business and Social Challenges
- A person, Community, and Society in the Context of Changes
- Nature in the Hands of a Scientist
- Languages, Cultural Diversity, and Human Values
- Sustainable Development and Leadership in Education
- Sport and Wellness
- Opportunities and limits to freedom in politics and communication
Keywords of the conference: Artes Liberales, Interdisciplinarity, Creativity, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Multilingualism, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Types of Presentations and Time:
- Oral presentation (should not exceed 15 min.)
- Poster presentation
- Presentation of creative work (a performance with a presentation not exceeding 15 min., or an exhibition)
Conference Languages: Lithuanian, English and other languages taught at the university.
A presentation summary (200 to 250 words) in Lithuanian or English is required on the registration form.
The summary of the report must include:
- The scientific/practical problem of the report
- The aim of the presentation
- The claims made in the report and the arguments supporting them
- The main results of the research (insights from the report)
- Keywords (3-5 words)
- References (for scientific presentations only)
Authors of selected presentations will be notified by 15 April. Conference programme will be announced by 25 April.
The programme of the conference will be announced here.
The conference is part of a series of events, projects, and initiatives that will take place throughout 2025, dedicated to Vytautas Magnus University’s presidency of the “Transform4Europe” (T4EU) alliance. The alliance, uniting eleven European universities, aims to create joint structures, programs, and platforms for research and innovation, with the main goal of strengthening the T4EU’s future vision, identity, and cooperation.