Open Call: Borders and Bridges: Migration and Transformation in Europe

Saarland University, in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University, is pleased to invite you to the conference Borders and Bridges: Migration and Transformation in Europe which will take place in Germany and online on 9-11 September 2024. Registration is open until 1 August.
The conference will focus on the question of similarities and differences in the approaches (methodology) and research interests (thematic focus) in the fields of migration, border studies and transformation of the T4EU partner universities.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and students from the T4EU partner universities from different disciplines to discuss the different aspects of research on migration, transformation and border(-drawing). In addition to academic exchange, the aim is to promote exchange between the partner universities in particular. Therefore, in addition to lectures on the research topics, there will also be interactive workshop elements in which the researchers from the T4EU universities can familiarise themselves with the institutions of the other universities. In this way, future projects will be initiated and strengthened.
An informal abstract (maximum 300 words) of the presentation should be emailed to elias.harth[at] by 1 August 2024.