Call for Participants to Attend VMU World Lithuanian Symposium


Vytautas Magnus University invites to participate in the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium, which will take place in 2022, October 27–29, in Kaunas live and remotely. The symposium is being held to commemorate the centenary of the University of Lithuania. Taking into account the current events of recent years, the aim is to open up space for discussions, focused on the themes of freedom and its forms.

“The World Lithuanian University Symposium must be the time and place where attention is given to the current situation regarding the freedom of thought and public expression, which has been protected by the right of academic autonomy and independent scientific research for several centuries. Today, the challenges of freedom, rights, faith, and morality are becoming the most important topics which, due to their complexity, are not reduced to Twitter-level speaking. Therefore, maybe the community of the World Lithuanian University could still serve as the final trenches bringing together those who care about these issues”, – says prof. Egidijus Aleksandravičius.

  • Registration for debaters is open until August 16
  • For live audience registration is open until October 16
  • For viewers participating via Zoom registration is open until October 26


Plenary sessions:

  • Freedom and its forms
  • Who carries the flame when it is dark: the tradition of the University of Lithuania in Lithuania and exile
  • The reality of education in the face of virtualization
  • Thriving under unpredictable conditions

We invite you to get more acquainted in detail with the topics and the preliminary program of the symposium.

During the sessions will speak: prof. Saulius Geniušas (China), Ann Senn (USA), dr. Mykolas Drunga (Lithuania), Indrė Grigaravičiūtė (Norway), dr. Indrė Čuplinskas (Canada), dr. Jolita Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė (Lithuania), dr. Andriy Nahachewsky (Canada), dr. Judita Sedaitis (USA), Kristina Dryža (Lithuania / Australia), prof. Gediminas Karoblis (Lithuania / Norway), Rimas Čuplinskas (Lithuania), Domas Boguševičius (Lithuania).

Discussions will be moderated by: prof. Egidijus Aleksandravičius (Lithuania), prof. Gediminas Karoblis (Lithuania / Norway), Rimas Čuplinksas (Lithuania), dr. Daiva Kristina Kuzmickaitė (Lithuania), dr. Darius Udrys (USA), Domas Boguševičius (Lithuania), dr. Ilona Strumickienė (Lithuania).

Lithuanian to English translation will be synchronized throughout the event.

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