Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis

The aim of the program “Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis” is to prepare highly qualified biotechnology specialists with the knowledge of biotechnology and pharmaceutical analysis, able to develop, optimize and implement fermentation processes, and genetic engineering technologies, analyze and optimize separation and purification processes, able to properly perform qualitative and quantitative evaluation of analytes or continue doctoral studies.

The program “Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Analysis” is distinguished by subjects covering various biotechnologies and their application in different fields (gene engineering, fermentation, food technology, pharmaceuticals) and subjects that include different methods of analysis and their development, implementation, and application to quantitative and qualitative analysis of pharmaceutical substances. The program provides skills that are characteristic of the second level of education – analysis, evaluation, submission of proposals, problem-solving, development of autonomy, etc. The program covers more analytical subjects and upon completion of these studies, a specialist would be able to work in an analysis laboratory or field of analysis in any research area or in companies, research institutes, centers related to the field of analysis, or could continue his studies in a doctoral program. Upon completion of these studies, a master's degree in technological sciences is awarded.

The learning outcomes of the program are focused on the theoretical and emphasis on practical learning, incorporating advanced knowledge in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceutical analysis, creating a basis for original ideas and their implementation; as well as the ability to integrate knowledge and formulate decisions taking into account social and ethical aspects.

Feedback of lecturer and students

Biotechnology and pharmaceutical analysis“ has an accent on practical research work, wahat is always demanded by the emploers, and provides enormously broad opportunities for carrier not only in different technological industries and research labs, but in the industry and research institutions analytical labs in the area of life sciensces and natural sciences.
Accademician Audrius Maruška, Head of the programme

Competencies acquired

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Explain the principles of the field of biotechnology studies and their multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature, the importance of separation methods, analysis of raw materials, and intermediate and final products.
  • Describe and analyze advanced achievements in biotechnology, genetic engineering, and modern analysis.
  • Use the acquired knowledge and understanding to conceptualize and apply biotechnological and analytical methods to models, systems, and processes using mathematical analysis, computational modelling, or experiments.
  • Choose which methods and methodologies to apply in biotechnology and analytical processes, understand their limitations, be able to apply them, and use special equipment.
  • Combine knowledge of different fields of science and solve multiple biotechnological and analytical problems.
  • Innovatively develop new and original ideas, methods, and materials in the design of biotechnological lines, development, optimization, and implementation of separation and analysis processes.
  • Make technological and analytical decisions in the face of multiple, technically, and analytically indeterminate and inaccurate problems in biotechnology schemes and pharmaceutical and related analytical processes.
  • Plan and perform analytical, modelling, and experimental research, combining knowledge of biomedicine, technology, and physical sciences.
  • Find professional information from databases and other sources of information, will be able to identify, find and obtain the necessary data to critically evaluate them and present conclusions.
  • Describe the impact of technological and engineering solutions and related research on society and the environment, adhere to the norms of professional ethics and technological engineering and research activities, is aware of the responsibility for these activities.
  • Work independently and in a team, will be able to be the leader of a team that can be formed by representatives of different fields of study and levels.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to work in the private and public business sectors, which are involved in industrial pharmaceutical production or biotechnology, diagnostic, scientific, and experimental activities. Typical areas of employment for graduates are industrial companies, research, quality control, training, lifelong learning, quality assurance, administration, and management.

Graduates can pursue their studies at the doctoral level at Lithuanian and foreign universities

Contacts of Natural Sciences Faculty (inquiries regarding study programme)

Contact persons of the programme

Karolis Gedvilas,


Universiteto g. 10-314, Akademija, Kaunas reg., Lithuania

Contacts of International Cooperation Department


Visiting Address

V. Putvinskio g. 23, room 211-215, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania

  • Faculty Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Group of Fields of Study Technological Sciences (F)
  • Group of Study Field Biotechnology
  • Lenght of Programme 2 academic years
  • Tuition fee per year: 5 266 Eur.
  • ECTS credits 120
  • Name of Qualification Master of Technology Sciences