Sociology and Anthropology: Society, Culture and Communication

Social Sciences
Sociology and Anthropology: Society, Culture and Communication


Have you always wanted to study sociology or communication but couldn't decide which one to choose? Well, now you can breathe a sigh of relief - our new interdisciplinary study programme specialisation "Society, Culture and Communication" prepares sociologists with a specialisation in communication. In short, you will not only be able to research, analyse, evaluate, and forecast social processes but also communicate professionally with the public. By the way, these studies are conducted in English, which will help you achieve an excellent level of language proficiency and later shine in international teams, which are so common today. During your studies, you will delve into the issues of social exclusion and discrimination, explore ways of strengthening civil society, learn about communication for improving public health, study political and commercial communication campaigns, and explore ways to enhance the social and cultural accessibility of information technology. Here, you will learn how to professionally analyse and visually present digital information, as well as how to select and execute a communication strategy. You will also gain an understanding of differences in communication based on ethnicity, religion, gender, or age. After completing your studies, you will be able to actively participate in tackling pressing societal issues and propose effective solutions for social policy and communication strategies. You can best apply this knowledge in the media, public relations and advertising agencies, market research companies, human rights organisations, think tanks, ministries, international institutions, as well as production and service companies engaged in internal and corporate communication. In essence, anywhere where you have to work and communicate with larger or smaller social groups. And this opens the most unexpected and interesting opportunities.

Why Society, Culture and Communication programme specialization?

International study environment and international comparative perspective.
Knowledge of innovative contemporary social research methods and analytical data skills.
Creative thinking and communication skills.
Bachelor of social sciences with an interdisciplinary approach: combination of Sociology and Communication Studies courses.

Possibilities to participate in a variety of exchange programmes (Erasmus+ studies in various Europe states and VMU bilateral exchange outside Europe) for semester study and/or internships in the EU and other countries.


#SocietalBehaviour #Analytics #SocialProcesses #Communication #Culture

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Sociological research allows us to explain the causes of human behaviour, how behaviour is influenced by our specific beliefs, attitudes, or values, and how these processes are interconnected in society. Sociological research tells us much more about ourselves as human beings than predictive models do.

Assoc. Prof. Apolonijus Žylys, Programme Teacher


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Partners are involved in student internships, research, projects, conferences, and other events.


Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Communication Daiva Bartušienė 4
Social Change Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė 4
A group subjects 22
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
News Sociology and Public Discourse Algirdas Davidavičius 4
Classical Sociological Theory [SOC 321] Vylius Leonavičius 6
Optional courses I
Deviance, Crime and Social Control Milda Ališauskienė 6
Religion, Culture and Society Milda Ališauskienė 6
Special Course No 1 Rasa Indriliūnaitė 6
A group subjects 8
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences Rasa Indriliūnaitė 6
Contemporary Sociological Thinking Vylius Leonavičius 6
Optional courses I
Gender, Sexuality and Society Aušra Maslauskaitė 6
Sociology and Anthropology of Migration Anna Ewa Pilarczyk-Palaitis 6
Special Course No 2 Apolonijus Žilys 6
Theory and Practice of Public Relations and Strategic Communication Lina Auškalnienė 6
Engaged Journalism Lab Kristina Karlonė 6
Special Course 4 Kristina Juraitė 6
A group subjects 12
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences Giedrė Baltrušaitytė 6
Applied Statistics Aušra Rutkienė 6
Optional courses I
Representations, Identity and Principles of Visual Communication Austėja Pečiurienė 4
Communicating in Change and Crisis Situations Inesa Bunevičienė 4
International Communication and Global Perspectives Auksė Balčytienė 4
A group subjects 14
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Demography Daumantas Stumbrys 6
Optional courses I
Economy, Employment and Consumption Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė 6
Health, Medicine and Society Giedrė Baltrušaitytė 6
Ethnicity and Nationalism Vytis Čubrinskas 6
Sociology and Anthropology of Migration Jolanta Kuznecovienė 6
Special Course No 2 Apolonijus Žilys 6
Public Communication Regulation Jūratė Imbrasaitė 4
Communicating in Change and Crisis Situations Inesa Bunevičienė 4
Special Course 3: Theoretical and Practical Challenges and Opportunities of a Network Society Donata Bocullo 6
Engaged Journalism Lab Kristina Karlonė 6
Creative and Feature Writing Jaq Greenspon 4
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
The Analysis of Quantitative Data Apolonijus Žilys 6
Optional courses I
Family Diversity in Contemporary Society Aušra Maslauskaitė 6
Sociology of the Body Artūras Tereškinas 6
Ethnicity and Nationalism Vytis Čubrinskas 6
Sociology and Anthropology of Migration Jolanta Kuznecovienė 6
Special Course No 1 Rasa Indriliūnaitė 6
Creative Production Lab Edita Masiulė 6
Media Research for Social Sciences Aušra Rimaitė 6
Special Course 4 Kristina Juraitė 6
Gender, Sexuality and Society Aušra Maslauskaitė 6
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Term Paper Milda Ališauskienė 5
In Service Training No.1 Daiva Bartušienė 8
Optional courses I
Ethnicity and Nationalism Vytis Čubrinskas 6
Sociology and Anthropology of Migration Jolanta Kuznecovienė 6
Special Course No 2 Apolonijus Žilys 6
Political Communication Rytis Bulota 4
Special Course: Journalism in the Era of Disinformation Ignas Kalpokas 4
Social Inequality and Exclusion Jūratė Imbrasaitė 6
Total ECTS credits:
Course Lecturer ECTS Credits
Bachelor Graduation Thesis Apolonijus Žilys 15
In Service Training No. 2 Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė 8
Optional courses I
Introduction to Cyber Security Ignas Kalpokas 6
Special Course 4 Kristina Juraitė 6
Total ECTS credits: