Saulius Gerulis

Dean of the Music Academy Profile

Born in 1968. In 1987, he graduated from Juozas Gruodis Music Conservatoire with honours and acquired qualification of piano teacher. He graduated from Prof. Jurgis Karnavičius’ piano class in 1992 and successfully defended doctoral dissertation in arts in 1998 at the Music Academy of Lithuania, earning a PhD in Humanities.

In 1998–1999 he worked as Chief Assistant at the Dept. of Piano in the Kaunas Faculty of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. From 2001 until 2005, as Assoc. Prof. at the VMU Faculty of Arts, he held lectures on the history of European music and on music and theatre for graduate and postgraduate students. Since 2002, he has been working as Assoc. Prof. at the departments of Piano and Pedagogy in the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Saulius Gerulis holds lectures for bachelor and master students, supervises papers and theses by master and PhD students. In 2006 he became the Dean of the Kaunas Faculty of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, which became the VMU Music Academy in 2011.

Saulius Gerulis also works as the Chairman of the Council and Secretary of the Coordinational Music Education Council at Juozas Gruodis Conservatoire. In 2004, he was member of the editorial board (reviewer since 2005) of methodical publications by the Lithuanian Branch of the European Piano Teachers’ Association (EPTA). Assoc. Prof. Gerulis held lectures at pedagogy qualification courses in 2006–2008, chaired the final thesis assessment commission at the Faculty of Humanities in the Kaunas University of Technology (KUT) in 2008–2010, and served as member and chairman in the annual research paper assessment commission in 2005–2010. In 2009 Assoc. Prof. Gerulis became member in the professional art assessment commission.

Assoc. Prof. Saulius Gerulis is also a member of the Collegium of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. He has also been member and chairman of organizational committes in annual scientific and methodical conferences held at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Member and chairman of all annual final exam assessment commissions in Performance Art. Assoc. Prof. Gerulis prepares children for international music competitions and organizes music competitions for students of universities and high schools.

Assoc. Professor Saulius Gerulis has been taking part in national and international scientific conferences since 1992. He has published 5 articles in prestigious scientific publications and the collection of articles Nuo Muzikos Link Žodžio (From Music Towards Word) dedicated to complicated matters of music interpretation and comprehension.

In 2006–2007 and 2009–2010, Assoc. Prof. Gerulis performed at the Concert Hall of Adele and Paulius Galauniai Museum and in evenings of the piano class.