Happy International Students’ Day!


Vytautas Magnus University congratulates all former, current and future students and invites everyone to celebrate it every day – after all, we’re studying life all along the way!

“Some of us have already graduated, others perhaps are still deciding what studies to choose, while yet others are already on the student’s path. So I’d like to congratulate everyone with the International Students’ Day, because learning is something we do all of our lives”, VMU Rector Prof. Juozas Augutis said, noting that usually festive greetings include wishes for health, money or luck. Yet in this case, the best wish is related to the one thing that unites all students: the exam.

“I hope that everything that your friends, relatives or various public figures have wished for you will come true. For instance, I hope you will pass the exam: whether as a student or as someone dealing with other challenges of life”, Prof. Augutis explained.

According to the Rector, there is no better time in our lives than when we are students. “There are all kinds of synonyms: student life, campus life, university life. Regardless, that time was the most beautiful for me”, VMU Rector said, remembering his days as a student.

May the International Students’ Day be more than just an ordinary date in the calendar: an occasion to remember your freedom to discover, to create, to make choices and to make mistakes. No matter how old you are, all of us have a sense of curiosity and a need to pursue a better and safer tomorrow.

“If I could turn back time and find myself at the university as a student again, I definitely would not change my alma mater or the study field, but I would appreciate time differently and would try to make use of all opportunities. With time, making your dreams come true or challenging yourself will only become harder and harder”, the Rector said, pondering what he would do differently if he could return to when he was a student.

“Also, I have to point out that even if the study period is short, it is still the time when you make friends for life. So, if I got back to that time, I would be more open to my environment and would try to gather a wide circle of friends and peers. I’d be bolder while working on my social capital”.

Your alma mater wishes you to never lose the desire to learn and to strive for your dreams that are paving the path to a better society and a more interesting life. And, last but not least, let’s not forget to be open to ourselves and the world and high-five our colleagues!

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