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Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas įtvirtina šeimos turto institutą, kuris reiškia, kad šeimos gyvenamoji patalpa ir kilnojamieji daiktai, skirti bendriems šeimos narių poreikiams tenkinti yra priskiriami šeimos turtui. Padidėjus skolinimuisi iš bankų ir neretai neišgalint įvykdyti prievolės, išieškojimas vykdomas iš šeimos turtui priskiriamų daiktų. Skolų turėjimas susijęs ne tik su pačių skolininkų, bet ir su kreditorių interesais. Todėl kreditorių interesų pusiausvyra ir tinkamas jų užtikrinimas yra labai svarbus, siekiant, kad nebūtų pažeisti esminiai civilinės teisės principai ir įstatymų ginamos vertybės. Lietuvos teisės sistemoje yra įtvirtinti tam tikri ribojimai skolos išieškojimui iš šeimos turto. Pagrindinis ribojimų tikslas yra užtikrinti nepilnamečių vaikų interesų prioritetą prieš kreditorių interesus. Tačiau labai svarbu yra išlaikyti kreditoriaus ir skolininko interesų balansą. Praktikoje gali pasitaikyti atvejų, kuomet kreditoriaus interesai yra netinkamai užtikrinami ar pažeidžiami, dėl to Lietuvos teisinėje sistemoje yra įtvirtinti mechanizmai, kuriais užtikrinami kreditorių interesai skolos išieškojime iš šeimos turto. Siekiant išsiaiškinti ar esami apribojimai skolos išieškojimui iš šeimos turto nepažeidžia kreditorių interesų, šiame darbe buvo analizuojami Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių teisės aktai, Europos Sąjungos direktyvos. Darbe buvo vadovaujamasi mokslininkų ir šios srities specialistų pastebėjimais. Pastebėta, kad kreditoriams yra suteikiami pakankami mechanizmai kurie leidžia ir padeda tinkamai užtikrinti jų interesus. Todėl prieita prie išvados, kad esami ribojimai skolos išieškojimui iš šeimos turto nepažeidžia kreditorių interesų.

The aim of this study is to examine whether there are any restrictions within the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania against the debt recovered from the family property without prejudice to the interests of creditors. Also the growth in consumption and increasing borrowing will be discussed further. However, the borrower often cannot afford to meet the obligations; as a result creditor must initiate the recovery from the debtor's assets mostly from family dwelling, which is attributable to the assets of the family institute. Debtor’s obligation and liabilities are related not only with debtors themselves but also with creditors and their interests. That is why the debtors and creditors balance of interests and their protection is particularly relevant in order to respect the fundamental principles of civil law and international law values .In the first part of this assignment the concept of the family property of the institute, objectives, principles of termination, as well as family estate institute in foreign countries are being discussed. Family assets are residential premises and movable property for the common needs of family members owned by one or both spouses. It is established that the main goal of the institute is to protect under-age children as well as economically weaker spouse legitimate rights and interests. It should be noted that only the family estate plays a protective role and adjustments in property rights. Furthermore, to support this paper family estate located in Canada and France will be investigated. The legislation, presence governing of the Institute were analyzed in these countries. The main objective of the Institute of the family estate in Canada is economic equality of the spouses; and on the contrary France emphasis on family protection of the interests of under-age children; so does Lithuania. In the second part of the paper the general restriction of the rights of the creditor bases is discussed. The law provides assets which are restricted and prohibited of recovery. Most of the limitations that are related to family assets include family dwelling. Whilst carrying out the research, an exclusive focus is being placed on the balance of the creditor and the debtor interests. Research process must not breach the rights of the debtor and its family members' as well as meet the minimal protection of the needs. It should be noted that borrowers’ interests of under-age children have priority over the interests of the creditors of parents. The creditor must be responsible and take care of their interests even before the appearance of obligation accrue between him and one or both of the spouses' interests. Creditors have the same access to the law laid down by the securities. Whilst regulating the relations between the creditor and the debtor, the attachment of the debtor's family estate, now a number of provisions to ensure implementation of the family estate of the Institute's mission and objectives, appropriate third party to defend its interests, while at the same time maintaining the balance of interest between their spouses and under-age children. Nevertheless the recovery of the debts of the family's assets are intended to balance values, e g balancing between family law, and regulation of the principles in the interests of the third parties and the discharge of obligations of the principles, getting on the protection of under-age children's interests a priority advocacy. In the third part of this paper the governing recovery of English, Latvian and Slovenian family assets are being analysed. The examination of foreign legislation regulations on the recovery in the entire European Union is very similar. List of items which are prohibited for recovery don’t make a big difference for the recovery of family housing provision. It is presumed that the list of items prohibited for limited recovery is there to meet the minimal family needs of debtor and to be indefeasible without prejudice to the creditor's right to recover debt recovery. In the last part of this assignment the creditor's rights and the opportunity to defend damaged rights is being discussed. Both, the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union legislation are trying to maintain a balance between debtor and creditor interests. The law provides numerous means to certify the interests of creditors for the recovery of the debts of the family assets. As evidenced by the case-law there are cases that are contrary to the law and infringe legislation interests. However, the creditor will always remain free to choose the way to defend their interest. In this paper are also discussed creditor interests, as well as the exclusive emphasis on mortgage because of its popularity and effectiveness of liability relations. Thus, the hypothesis that the existing restrictions on the debt recovered from the family estate infringe the interests of creditors was denied during the investigation. Creditors, whose rights have been violated, can defend their interests by applying for the defence allowance. Analysing creditors interest in debt from the family estate in the Lithuanian legal system, it can be seen that although the interests of creditors are ensuring, the defence of Lithuania are sufficient. Nevertheless, in practice, possibility to violate the interest remains. In order to recover the debt from family assets attributable to residential housing, with a population of minors, creditors often have difficulties because minors are established residence in usufruct, which complicates the realisation of assets. The courts interpreted that the division of property cannot be solved at the expense of creditors, however, it is noted that a child has the right to housing security. The examination of similar situations in courts is facing problems of maintaining the balance of interests. So in order to avoid this, it is advisable to oblige the courts of the creditors and the debtor of its family, which still live in the mortgaged apartment on the usufruct basis; to sign the lease or use agreement, and then be able to live in the accommodation till a child becomes an adult, whist at the same time the creditor will be covered with minimum losses.



Šeimos turtas, skolos išieškojimas, kreditorių interesai, Interests of creditors, rectrictions on the family's property, debt recovery
