Introduction into linguistics : a teaching guide : metodinė priemonė
Date Issued |
2009 |
URI | Access Rights |
---|---| | Viso teksto dokumentas (atviroji prieiga) / Full Text Document (Open Access) |
Viso teksto dokumentas / Full Text Document |
Mokymo priemonė skirta kalbotyros įvadui anglų filologijos studentams. Joje glaustai pristatomi pagrindiniai šiuolaikinės kalbotyros principai, aptariami fonetikos, fonologijos, morfologijos, sintaksės, semantikos klausimai ir sociolingvistikos tyrimų kryptys. Kiekvienai temai skiriami pratimai, kurie skirstomi į lengvesnius ir sunkesnius; priemonės gale pateikiamas pagrindinių lingvistinių terminų žodynėlis.
This teaching aid has grown out from the course Introduction into English Linguistics which I have been teaching at Vytautas Magnus University for a number of years. Its aim is to present students with a concise and up-to-date discussion of some of the main topics that mod-ern linguistics addresses. The teaching guide is provided with exercises for each topic (graded from less difficult to advanced), and questions for discussion. All the exercises have been tested in class. The teaching guide also includes a glossary of the most important terms which students have to know and be able to use not only in this course but also in the other linguistic courses that they take in the programme of English Philology.