Tarptautinė socialinio darbo praktika Jungtinėje Karalystėje
Date Issued | Issue | Start Page | End Page |
2011 | 8(2) | 163 | 171 |
Studijų metu socialinio darbo praktika yra neatsiejama nuo studento kompetencijų plėtojimo ir profesinių įgūdžių įgijimo. Atliekant tarptautinę praktiką ugdomas studento gebėjimas tiek iš teorinės, tiek iš praktinės perspektyvos analizuoti socialinius reiškinius, tampant kritiškai refleksyviu praktiku, kuris pasitiki savimi, geba susidaryti platesnį socialinį vaizdą, atspindintį žmonių gyvenimus bei problemas.
The experience gained during organizing international social work practice reveal that international practice is one of the ways to improve social work education quality. International social work practice associated with new opportunities and methods, which expressly enhance students’ skills, competencies as professional social worker. Emancipatory services for the disabled people in United Kingdom help the clients to become more self-confident. Social services must be explained and created by social workers using understanding that disabled people are citizens with their opinion, experiences and ability to make their own decisions. The main pillars of emancipatory services are: citizenship, self-assessment, self-management and participation. Organization “Bromley Mytime” by being active and inclusive uses a real benefit method for people with disabilities. International experience could become a new method for the development of social services in Lithuania, or there simply could be born a new project that will be adapted in a particular city. During international social work practice I revealed for myself, that people with disabilities have strong rituals and are warm, open and caring. Before moving to the international social work practice in United Kingdom I as a social worker recognized that I am not able to work with disabled people. I felt fear and was not self-reliant. Departure for me as a social worker has helped not only to gain international social work experience, but also helped to overcome the personal fears, and stereotypes, as well as to see and feel an international social work practice in United Kingdom.