L’italiano dei giovani per i giovani : glottodidattica dell’italiano LS / a cura di Moreno Bonda
Date Issued |
2024 |
URI | Access Rights |
https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12259/268717 | |
DOI | Viso teksto dokumentas (atviroji prieiga) / Full Text Document (Open Access) |
Mokslo straipsnių rinkinys „L'italiano dei giovani per i giovani. Glottodidattica dell'italiano LS“ (liet. Jaunimo italų kalba; italų kalba jaunimui. Italų kalbos kaip užsienio kalbos didaktika) – tai aktualioms italų kalbos kaip užsienio kalbos didaktikos problemoms skirtas leidinys italų kalba. Straipsnių rinkinyje nagrinėjamos tokios temos kaip italų kalbos mokymas pasitelkiant naujausias technologijas ir modernias mokymosi erdves, autentiškos medžiagos, ypač dainų, naudojimas mokant italų kalbos, vertimas ir dirbtinis intelektas, aktualios kalbos mokymo priemonės mokytojams ir kt.
The aim of this contribution is to offer an overview of the Italian language teaching in the context of the French schools abroad. In the first part, I introduce the network of the French schools abroad belonging to the AEFE (the Agency for French Education Abroad, which consists of 566 schools around the world) and the role that the teaching of foreign languages (including, Italian) plays within it. Pupils in French schools can choose to study Italian as a second (starting from the Cinquième class) or as a third foreign language (starting from the Seconde class). Then, I focus on the features of the foreign language teaching in the French school system, analyzing the methodological strategies that are required to be applied and trying to consider what might represent benefits and challenges for both the teacher and the pupil. Finally, I present the Italian language teaching at the French international lyceum of Vilnius (LIFV), analyzing all the steps that led the Italian language to be taught in both middle and high schools. In doing that, I present several projects that took place during the last ten years and offer reflections on the future of the Italian language-lover community in the LIFV.
Recensioni: Giulia Tardi (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia); Stefano M. Lanza ( Università Vytautas Magnus, Kaunas)